1. Bian met Yuan, which ruined the event. Gao Feng said, "Yao is used to hiring permission, and his face is expressionless. Why did you turn your clothes upside down? " Wen Li replied, "Yao De didn't show up when the Ming government first arrived. It was the untouchables who turned their clothes upside down. " 2. Xu Ruzi is nine years old and smells like the moon. People say, "If there is nothing on the moon, it should be extremely evil, right?" Xu said, "Otherwise, if there is a pupil in people's eyes, if there is no such thing, it is unknown." Kong Wenju went to Los Angeles with his father when he was ten years old. At that time, Li Yuanli was very famous. He was a captain in Li Si. All the people who entered the school were gifted scholars, called Qi Naitong, and they were middle cousins. Wen Ju reached the door and said to the official, "I am a relative of Li Fu." Yes, sit in the front. Li Yuan asked, "What is your relationship with your servant?" Right: "Zhong Ni, the former monarch, and Boyang, the monarch, are respected by teachers, and the servants communicate well with you." Ethan and his guests are very strange. Dr Yang Chen, a doctor in Taichung, arrived later, and people talked in his own words. Yue said, "A few hours is not necessarily good!" Wen Ju said, "If I miss you, I will be a pawn!" Beard.
Kong Wenju has two sons, the eldest is six years old and the youngest is five years old. Father sleeps during the day, and the younger one steals wine by the bed. The eldest son said, "Why don't you worship?" Answer: "Steal, salute!" "5. The capture of Kong Rong is feared by both China and foreign countries. I was nine when I was young, and the youngest was eight. The second son lost face because he cut his nails. Rong said to the messenger, "I hope the evil will stop at me, but can you get everything?" Son Xu Jin said, "Did you see any finished eggs under the nest?" "Find and receive.
6. Chen Zhonggong, Yingchuan Taishou. The guest asked Fiona Fang, "How is your husband?" Fiona Fang said: "Xian Wang also." "How was your first step?" Yue: "Loyal ministers and dutiful sons are also." The guest said: "Yi said:' If two people get together, they will break off; The difference between one thought and another. "How can there be a wise king, only a loyal minister and a dutiful son?" Fiona Fang said, "How ridiculous the first step is! So I don't answer. " The guest said, "Step one, I can't answer because I am respectful." Fiona Fang said, "In the past, Emperor Gaozong asked his son to honor himself, Yin Jifu asked his son Bai Hua, and Dong Zhongshu asked his son to rise. Only these three kings, wise kings; Only these three sons are loyal ministers and dutiful sons. " The guest retired in shame.
7. Xun Ciming met July in Runan and asked Yingchuan people, Ci Mingshou and his brothers. He smiled and said, "Stan, will you just kiss the old man?" Ci Ming said, "What is the basis for the difficulty of stepping?" He said, "Ask the gentleman, ask your brother. It's your ear." Ciming said, "Before, Qi didn't lose his son, but he didn't lose his position in the outside world, for the supreme public. Gong Dan's poem "Wang Wen" praises Wen and fighters regardless of the virtue of Yao and Shun, and also means kissing. "Spring and Autumn" means that the country is inside and summer is outside. And people who love others but not their loved ones are not immoral? " 8. Mi Fei was demoted as a drum official by Wei Wu, and tried drums in the first half of the first month. Hengyang's work "Fish and Yang Mix the Old" has the sound of a stone in the deep, which changes after four sittings. Kong Rong said, "Miheng's crime is the same as Xu Yi's, and he can't invent the dream of a king." Wei Wu was ashamed and forgave it.
9. When Pang Shiyuan of Nanjun heard that Sima De was in Yingchuan, he waited for two thousand miles. Finally, when picking mulberry in Cao De, Shiyuan said in the car, "I heard that my husband is bringing Jin Zi, why should he take care of Silk Girl?" "Let's get off," said Cao De. "I know the speed of evil, I don't care about getting lost. Yesterday, Bocheng became a coupling farmer and did not admire the glory of the princes; Yuan xian Shang Shu is not easy to have an official. Why sit in a luxurious house, walk on a fat horse, have dozens of maids, and then wonder? This is the reason why Xu's father and daughter are so generous, and it is also the reason why Yi and Qi sigh. Although you stole the title of Qin, you are rich but not expensive! " Shi Yuan said, "Servants are born hanging sideways, so they have a little sense of justice. Don't ring the bell or cut the thunder drum, I don't know its sound. " 10. Liu Gonggan was disrespectful. Wendi asked, "Why don't you care about Wenxian?" Zhen replied, "I am sincere and short, and your majesty's outline is not sparse." 1 1. Yu Zhong and Zhong Hui enjoy a rare reputation. At the age of thirteen, Wei Wendi heard that he said to his father Zhong You, "You can let the second son come!" So goodbye. Jade's face was covered with sweat, and the emperor said, "Why is your face covered with sweat?" Yu said to him, "I'm afraid of war and I'm sweating like a pulp." Question and answer session: "Why don't you sweat?" He said, "tremble, you dare not sweat." 12. When Yu Zhong was a child, he was in charge of his father's daily work because * * * stole medicine and wine. His father realized this and went to sleep to watch.
Worship before drinking, and drink if you don't worship. Then asked why Yu worshipped, Yu said, "wine is a gift, and I dare not worship." He also asked why he didn't worship, and would say, "Stealing is indecent, so I don't worship." 13. Wei Mingdi built a museum for his grandmother in Zhenguan. After it was completed, he looked at it himself and said, "What should the museum be called?" The servant said, "Your Majesty, Sansky is the king of philosophy; Wang Ji is too arrogant and considerate. The prosperity of this museum should be named' Yuyang'. " 14. He Yun: "Taking Wushi powder is both a cure and a pleasant spirit." 15. China prose Zhao Jingzhen said: "Your eyes are white and black, with the wind of thunder, and your hatred is small and narrow." Zhao Yun: "The ruler can judge the degree of balance, and the inch tube can measure the reciprocating gas. Why do you want to be big, but ask how to listen! " 16. Sima Jing and Wang took the party and thought they were engaged in the corps commander. Because he asked Xi, "In the past, public rule over you was not enough, but now you are calling you alone. Why do you want to come? " Yue Yue said, "You treat me with courtesy first, so I can advance and retreat with courtesy; Gong Ming sees the rope by law, and he is afraid of the law. " 17. Wargo stuttered and was called "Ai Ai". King Wen of Jin said in the play, "Qingyun loves Ai. What kind of Ai is it?" Yes: "Phoenix, so it's a phoenix." 18. The third day of the season was punished, and the county entered Romania. The King Wen introduced him and asked, "Why are you here?" Yes, I said, "I don't envy people who make friends." Wang Dazhao.
19. Emperor Wu of Jin began to inspect Langchang and got a "one" in the exploration. The number of kings depends on it. If the emperor doesn't speak, his ministers will be eclipsed, and he won't have a speaker. The waiter Pei said, "Wen Tianqing, the land is flat, and the princes think that the world is virtuous." The emperor said that the ministers were surprised.
20. Full of courage and fear of the wind. Sitting in the Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty, the glass screen in the north window is so dense that it is hard not to get excited. The emperor laughed and replied vigorously: "I am still a black cow, and I am panting at the sight of the moon." 2 1. Zhuge Liang is in Wu and is in a meeting. Sun Hao asked, "Why do you think?" Right: "Filial piety is at home, loyalty is in the monarch, and faith is in friends, that's all." 22. When Cai Hong went to Luozhong, Luo Zhongren asked: "At the beginning of the shogunate, the ministers decided to seek talents from the common people and collect talents from the caves. What are the talents after the subjugation of wujun and Chu? " Cai said, "The night pearl is not a river. You don't have to pick it from Kunlun Mountain. Dayu was born in Dongyi, and Wen Wang was born in Xiqiang. Sages come out, why are you always there? In the past, the King of Wu attacked Zhou and moved the die-hards to Luoyi. Did you get that the Miao people had no king? " 23. Celebrities go to see Luoshui Opera. Also, Lao Ling asked Wang Yifu, "Do you like today's play?" Wang said: "Pei servant is good at talking about fame and reason, and he is elegant; Zhang Maoxian's comments on history and Korea are decadent. I told Wang Jianfeng that Yan Ling and the ovary are also super mysterious. " Both Wang Wuzi and Sun talked about the beauty of their land figures. Wang Yun: "Its land is flat, its water is light and clear, and its people are loyal and virtuous." Sun Yun: "Its mountains are rugged, its water is full of waves, and its people are brilliant and talented." 25. The daughter of Lao Ling was a general in Chengdu, and her brother, King Changsha, was in charge of Luo, thus forming a military book. The king of Changsha is near a villain, far from a gentleman, and whoever is in the DPRK is afraid of danger. Leling not only promised to look forward, but also married relatives, and the group stayed in Changsha. When Changsha asked LeLing about it, LeLing looked poised. Xu replied, "Why do you want five men for one woman?" Therefore, there is no doubt.
26. Lu Jiyi, Wang Wuzi, put some sheep and cheese in front of Woods and showed it to Lu Yue: "Why does Qingjiangdong oppose this?" Lu Yun: "There is a thousand miles of soup, no salt!" 27. China and North Korea have children, and their father is ill, begging for medicine. The master asked about the disease and said, "Suffering from malaria." The master said, "Dear Mr. Hou Mingde, why do you have malaria?" Answer: "The gentleman who came here is sick, so he has malaria ears." 28. Cui is in Yidu County and will be surnamed Chen. He asked Zheng Xiong, "How many generations have you been to Cui Yi?" A: "People go to Cui Yi, just like the Ming government went to Chen Heng." 29. When Yuan Di crossed the river for the first time, he said, "When you send someone to your country, your heart is always ashamed." Rong knelt down and said, "I heard that the King made the world his home, and Jiuding moved to Luoyi because Geng and Bo had no fixed place to live. May your majesty not think about moving the capital. " 30. Yu Gong created Zhou Boren, and Boren said, "Why are you so happy and suddenly fat?" Yu Dao: "Why are you so sad and emaciated?" Boren said, "I have nothing to worry about. I always come in sunny and empty days and go to my ears in dirty days. " 3 1. When people cross the river, every time they visit the United States and Japan, they invite new pavilions and hold a flower banquet. Zhou Houzhong sat down and sighed: "The scenery is different, different from mountains and rivers!" They all shed tears at each other. Only Prime Minister Wang suddenly changed color and said, "* * * forced the royal family to recover China. How can it be a prisoner of Chu?" 32. Wei Xima tried to cross the river at first, but the form was very miserable. He said something about the cloud: "Seeing this mountain, I don't feel that there are many intersections.
If it is affectionate, who can send this? "33. Gu is not famous. He is the prime minister of the king. The prime minister is so young that he is tired of sleeping. Gu Si knocked for a while because he said to sit together: "Every time I heard that the Yuan Dynasty was fair and upright, I praised Zhongzong and saved the river. My body is small and uneasy, which makes people breathless. Cheng Xiang said to Gu Yue, "This son is very clever and alert. "34. For birthdays, people who know things should teach by example. Not only the beauty of the southeast, but also the beauty of the sea.
35. Although Liu Kun was estranged from Kou Rong, he insisted on living in this dynasty, saying, "Ban Biao knows Liu Fuxing and Han Dynasty. Although the Jin Dynasty has declined, its fate has not changed. I want to make contributions to Hebei and make Daqing famous in the south of the Yangtze River. What can I do? " Wen said: "although I am not sensitive, I am not the person I used to be." How dare I quit my job, because I have made great contributions with the attitude of Huan Hewen! " 36. Wen Qiao first crossed the river for Liu Kun. At the beginning of Jiangzuo construction, there was no mention of discipline. Wen Xin is new here and has a lot of worries. Since Prime Minister Wang, Lord Chen has gone to a secluded place, and the country has burned out, and the mountains and rivers have been destroyed, causing the pain of parting. Wen Zhong was deeply impressed. His words were full of thoughts, and the Prime Minister also wept with him. When the narrative is finished, it will be decided, and the prime minister will also pay for it.
After getting off the bus, he said happily, "Jiang Zuo has his own management, so why worry?" 37. Wang Dun's brother, Han, was persuaded by Lu Guang. London is a rebel. He is stationed in Zhou Nan, including appointed posts. The prime minister Wang Yi is actually sub-prime. Si Tuleideng, the Prime Minister and Yangzhou bureaucrats asked questions in succession, but they didn't know what to say. Gu found another way to assist Han. He said, "Wang Guanglu is far away from rumors, the public is covered with dust, and the group is restless. What about respecting the body and respecting life? " 38. Qiu bowed to Sikong and sat down and said, "Ping's business is not much, and its value is varied, so he went to Taiding.
Zhu Bohan's voice is really embarrassing. "39. People who sit high don't speak Chinese. Still asking this meaning, Jane said, "Take Jane to deal with the trouble. "40. Zhou Fu is graceful. Yi maharaja, at first, got off the bus and hid a few people. The maharaja smiled and looked at it. Sit down and shout proudly. The maharaja said, "Do you want to die and forgive evil? Answer: "How dare you approach? I hope you are thousands of miles away!" ! "4 1. After tasting the Buddha's figure, I saw the Buddha lying down, saying," This son is tired of Tianjin beam. "Take it as a famous saying.
42. Zhizhan once served as the prefect of four counties and general Hu Cao joined the army, and returned to China for literature and history. Twenty-nine. After bidding farewell to Wang Dun, Dun said, "You are not yet thirty years old. You are still young." Zhan said, "It's too early to be a general; Compared with Ganluo, it is too old. " 43. Liang's son is nine years old and very clever. Junping Kong thought of his father. When his father was away, he sent someone to put the fruit. If there is waxberry, Kong pointed it out to his son and said, "This is the fruit of your family." The son replied, "I haven't heard that peacocks are master birds." 44. Kong Tingwei used Qiu and his subordinate brother Shen and resigned. Ting Wei said, "Yan Jian worships ancestors. Dolphins don't hide beans on their shoulders. They have been wearing fur for decades. Why do you say that? " So I was convinced.
45. The Buddha slaughtered the city and Shiyou, saying, "Cheng took Shi Hu as a seagull." 46. Xie Renzu is eight years old, and Xie He is going to meet Fu Jian. He learned his own language and joined the club. Everyone sighed with a grain of salt: "Yan Hui is a young man." Renzu said, "How can I say goodbye to Yan Hui without my father?" 47. Tao Gong was very ill and didn't offer anything to replace him. Courtiers thought he hated him. Renzu listened and said, "I don't have time to be honest. I don't want to let Tao Gong talk." Shixian thinks that virtue is sound.
48. Zhu Fa is sitting in a simple essay. Liu Yin asked, "Why do Taoist priests swim around the doors?" Answer: "You are as poor as a wanderer." Or cloud bian order.
49. Sun Sheng joined the army for Yu Gong's office and went hunting, both of them. Yu Gong didn't know that when he was seven or eight years old, he suddenly met Qi Zhuang in the hunting ground. Yu said, "Are you going back to evil?" The answer is: "The so-called' no small or big, from public to step'." 50. Sun Qiyou and Qi Zhuang are both young. The public asked Chyi Yu "what word" and replied: "The word Chyi Yu." Gong said, "What do you want?" Yue: "Qi Xuyou." Qi Zhuang "what word", the answer: "Qi Zhuang's word." Gong said, "What do you want?" Yue: "Qi Zhuang Zhou." Gong said, "Why not admire He Zhuang Zhou?" Right: "saints know everything, so it is difficult to admire." Yugong likes children. Yes
5 1. The sum of Zhang Xuanzhi and Gu Fu is Gu's grandson, both of whom are few but wise. And know that, as the saying goes, caring for life, pro-biased, Zhang is not afraid. At that time, Zhang was nine years old and Gu was seven years old, and went to the temple with him. He saw a clay sculpture of a Buddha statue, and the disciple was crying, not crying, so he asked his second grandson. Xuan said, "If you cry because of your relatives, you won't cry because of your relatives." Fu Shuo, "otherwise. When you forget your feelings, you can't cry. " 52. Yu Fa did a good job of Yu Taiwei, and he was the best at clamping his tail. Gong said, "This is the best, but where is it?" Chang Fa said: "Honest people don't ask for it, greedy people don't agree, so they get it." 53. Yu Zhigong is Jingzhou, Mao Fan Shangwu, and he is suspected to be a legacy. Liu Shao, the waiter, said, "The cypress beam is a cloud structure, and the craftsman is first under it; There are many orchestral strings, so bells and cymbals should listen to their sounds first. Young and respectful, not new. " After hearing this, Yu said, "This man should be with the emperor." 54. After the death of a title of generals in ancient times, he was recruited into the public. Lian Shi, Wang Changshi, and Liu Yin are all in the same position. Chu said, "What do you have to do with me?" The real Wang said, "This son can talk." Because the state of Chu is revered as the King of Qi, the King of Qi said, "The state has its own Duke of Zhou." 55. Huan Gong's northern expedition through Jincheng saw its evil and planted willows all around. He said, "With all this wood, how can people be inferior!" Climbing branches and hugging sticks, tears streaming down her face.
56. When writing small prose to help the army, taste and Xuanwu entered the DPRK, giving way to each other. Xuanwu had to go first, because he said, "Bo was also the first king." The simple article says: "The so-called' no small, no big, from public to big strides. ""57. Gu Yue and Wen Jian were in the same year, but they turned white very early. A short article said, "Why did Qing become white first?" Yes: "the posture of willow leaves falls in autumn;" Pine and cypress are frosty. " 58. Duke Huan entered the gorge, the cliff hung and the waves were urgent. But he sighed, "If you are a loyal minister, you should not be a dutiful son. How about it? " 59. When I first entered Tai Wei, I sought the abolition of Haixi. I went to Denglang with a brief essay, and then returned to Tai Wei. The emperor hated it. When Chi Chao was in the straight for the book. "Destiny has been shortened, so this is not my plan. Why shouldn't the recent events be resumed politically? " Chao said, "If the compound is sealed to the outside world, there is no such concern. I vouch for your majesty. " The emperor recited Yu Zhongchu's poem and said, "A man with lofty ideals is in danger, but a loyal minister is ashamed." The sound is harsh. When Xi returned to the east on vacation, the emperor said, "I salute the public and my country, that's all!" So the body can't defend itself by Tao, think about prevention. What a sigh! " I shed tears.
60. Jane is sitting in a dark room and calling Xuanwu. Xuanwu arrived and asked, "Where is it?" The essay says, "I am in Sri Lanka." People think they can.
6 1. When a short article entered the garden of China, Gu said, "The meeting place doesn't have to be far away. When you are in the forest, you have your own ideas. I feel birds, animals, birds and fish, and I come to my relatives. " 62. In Wang Youjun's words, Mrs. Xie said, "In middle age, I lost my life and didn't see my relatives and friends for a few days." Wang said: "I was in Sang Yu in 2000, so it is natural to be here, thanks to the writing of Alice.". Constant fear of the children's generation will damage the fun of happiness. " 63. Zhi Daolin often keeps several horses. Or: "Tao, people, livestock and horses don't rhyme." Wisdom said, "Poverty is more important than God." 64. Liu Yin and Huan Xuan listened to The Book of Rites. Huan Yun said: "When you enter your heart, you will feel close to the entrance." Liu Yue said, "This is not an extreme thing. It is the language of Jinhua Temple. " 65. Yang Bing joined the army to assist the monarch, and he died less, which made him famous. If Xia Houdun described it, he praised it. Yang Quan is assistant minister of Yellow Gate, and Shi Jianwen sits down. The emperor asked, "It is impossible for Xiahou Zhan to write The Story of the Sheep. What is this? Is there a future? " Suddenly, Quan said, "My uncle's death made me ask, I have no heirs. Although the name is heard in the sky, it is absolutely sacred. " It took the emperor a long time.
66. Wang Changshi and Serina Liu meet after a long separation. Liu Yue, King of Yue, said, "The Qing Dynasty has made progress again." A: "This is a favored child." 67. Liu Yinyun: "People want Wang Jing to have a good family, so I want to have a cool breeze when I grow up." 68. Wang Zhongzu was puzzled by the language and said at a loss: "If you want to introduce Gelu to North Korea, you should not understand this language." 69. Liu Zhenchang is Danyang Yin and Xu Xuan is human. The bed curtain is new and beautiful, and the diet is rich and sweet. Xu said, "If this place is preserved, it will win the East Mountain." Liu Yue said, "If you know that good or bad luck is decided by people, I will be uneasy!" The king sat beside him and said, "Let's make a nest and meet Xiaomi and Cheney, but don't say that." They are not ashamed.
70. Wang Youjun and Taifu Xie went to Deng Ye. Xie thinks far, but aspires high. The king said thank you: "Yu Xia is diligent to the king, and his hands and feet are calluses;" King Wen eats it, and he gives it every day. Nowadays there are many bases in the suburbs, and it is pleasant for people to work for themselves. Today is not suitable for talking about wasting money and time. " Xie said, "Qin Wei Shang Yang died in the second year. Is it clear that he will do what he says and do evil? " 7 1. Xie Taifu's cold snowy day tells his children the meaning of that paper. Suddenly the snow suddenly fell, and Gong Xinran said, "How is the snow?" Xie Lang, his elder brother, said, "The air is almost equal." . His eldest brother's daughter said, "Catkin can dance with the wind better than the wind." "."The Imperial Guard laughed. She is the daughter of Xie An, the daughter of Xie An, and the wife of the left-wing general Wang Ningzhi.
72. Wang Zhonglang became a symbol of the Han Dynasty by composing poems and learning the characters clearly. Kangbo said nothing. Wang Yue said, "Why didn't you say something?" Han said, "No mistake." 73. Liu Yinyun: "The breeze is bright and the moon is bright, so I think about it." 74. Xun Zhonglang is at Jingkou, looking at Haiyun in the north: "Although you don't see the three mountains, it makes people like clouds. If you are the king of Qin and Han dynasties, you must be well dressed. " 75. Xie Gongyun: "The sage goes to people, and it is near." Neither the son nor the nephew promised. Gong sighed and said, "If Chao heard about this, he would not have come to Henan." 76. Be a good crane with a crowd. Some people in Dongshan have two cranes. When they were young, they had long wings and wanted to fly. Cherish is cherish. He Jiong could no longer fly, but turned his back and bowed his head. Take a look, if you are depressed. Lin Yue said, "Since you have a soaring posture, why are you willing to be a good friend?" Lift the order and let it fly away.
77. Xie Zhonglang passed by Quhou Lake and asked around: "What kind of water is this?" Answer: "Kwa Lake." Xie said: "So, you should attach importance to it and accept it without flowing." 78. Jin Wudi's salary in Dan Tao is not much. When Taifu Xie asked his children, he rode and replied, "When there are not many people who want it, don't forget to give it to them." 79. Xie Hu's words Yu Daoji: "People can't talk much, but they can build castles." Yu said, "If you come, I should worship him as a teacher; Kang Bolai, Ji He burned the boat. " 80. Li Hongdu often lamented that he was not satisfied. Yin Yangzhou knew that his family was poor and asked, "Can you bend his heart?" Li Yue said, "I've heard about the sigh of the North Gate for a long time. Poor apes rush to the forest and choose wood at leisure! " And then awarded to the county.
8 1. Wang Sizhou visited Athena Chu, Xing Wu. With a sigh, he said, "It not only makes people feel clean, but also makes people feel bright." 82. Xie Wan is the governor of Yuzhou and a new worshipper. When he is the capital of the west, he will be given a day's tiredness and thanked for his tiredness. So the servant went to China and thanked him for sitting down. He asked, "Why do you want to go into politics when you are fighting for Zhou Fang and governing Xifan?" Thank you for saying what you mean.
Above is thanked, made a few hundred words. Xie Sui sat up. After Gao left, Xie Zhui said, "A Kun is so thick and talented." Thank you for that.
83. Yuan Yanbo and Sima Xie Annan sent people to Sese Township. When leaving, he was sad and sighed: "The mountains and rivers have fallen, and Wan Li is powerful." 84. Sun Chuo wrote "Early Sui Dynasty" and built a room to bury Sichuan. He said enough. Plant a pine tree before fasting and cure it by hand. When Gao Shiyuan was a neighbor, he said to Sun, "Pine trees are not pitiful, but they will never be pillars!" Sun said, "Maple and willow embrace each other. What can we do?" 85. Gangneung City, surrounded by the West, is very beautiful, and guests will come out from Jiangjin to have a look. As the saying goes, "If you can see this city, you will be rewarded." When Gu Changkang was a guest, he was sitting, and his eyes said, "Looking at the city from afar, the Danlou is like a sunset." Huan was rewarded by the second maid.
86. The prince respectfully said to Wang Xiaobo, "Uncle Yang, what's the matter with personnel?" Therefore, it is better to be a prostitute at Tongquetai. "87. When Gong Lin saw the Changshan Mountain in Dongyang, he said," How frank! "88. Gu Changkang returned after the meeting, and people asked about the beauty of mountains and rivers. The ancient cloud said, "Thousands of rocks compete for beauty, and thousands of valleys compete for flow, and vegetation covers them, if the clouds are thriving. "89. Wen Jian has fallen, and Xiao Wu is over ten years old and dying. The left and right are "in accordance with the convention." The emperor said, "Cry when you are sad. Why not? "90. Filial piety warriors will talk about filial piety, and Xie Gong Brotherhood will give lectures in private. Che Wuzi could not ask for thanks, saying that Yuanyang said, "If you don't ask for it, you will have a legacy of virtue. Ask a little more and you will appreciate your hard work. " Yuan Yue said, "There can be no such doubt." The car said, "How do you know?" Yuan Yue said, "How come I don't see the mirror? I'm tired and tired. I'm afraid of the wind! "9 1. Prince Jing Yun:" From the trail, the mountains and rivers set each other off, which is overwhelming. If it is autumn and winter, it is particularly difficult. "92. Dr. Xie asked his sons and nephews," How can children predict their personnel, but they just want to make them better? All the people had nothing to say, so they rode their horses and replied, "For example, Yushu in Lan Zhi wants it to be born in the ears of terraced fields." "93. Taoist priests in Yi Dao like to decorate their voices and return to Dongshan from Beijing via Wuzhong. It has snowed, but it is not very cold. Taoist people ask what they are experiencing. A public official said: "No matter what the wind and frost are, it is the first time to gather its misery. "The suburbs are drifting, and Lin Xiu is already awesome." 94. Tianxi Zhang is the secretariat of Liangzhou, known as the Four Corners. As a lucky bird, as a servant. After Shouyang's defeat, he went to the capital as a filial piety. Every time you speak, there is no shortage of opportunities. Jade was so jealous that she sat down and asked Zhang, "What's valuable in the north?" Zhang Yue said, "Mulberry is sweet and leather is loud. People are innocent when they are cultured. " 95. Gu Changkang Baihuan wrote a poem in Xuanwu Tomb: "Where will the fish and birds go when the mountains and seas are exhausted?" People asked him, "Can you see that you are crying because you are loyal to Huaner?" Gu Yue said, "The nose is as wide as Mo Changfeng and the eyes are like a river." Or: "The sound is like thunder breaking the mountain, and tears are like a spring pouring into the sea." 96. Mao Bocheng often said, "Better be a sapphire than a jade." 97. Fan Ning made a yu zhang. On the eighth day, he invited the Buddha to eat a board. Monks are dubious and still want to answer. A little novice monk sat at the end and said, "Buddha is silent, which means permission." People follow their righteousness.
98. Sima Taifu sat in the middle of the night, and Tian Yue was bright and clean. It is better for the teacher to sigh. Xie Zhongjing sat there and replied, "This means it has no Wei Yun decoration." The teacher thanked him for his play and said, "You are restless, but you want me to be too dirty?" 99. Wang Zhonglang loved Tianxi Zhang very much and asked him, "What's the difference between people who cross the river and those who don't? Later, Yan Yan, what is the Central Plains? " Zhang Yue said, "How can you be king if you want to be quiet?" : according to time, it is the wind of sadness and joy. "The king said," you know you have more than enough. Why is Fujian made of it? "Answer:" Yang eliminates Yin, so the sky moves forward; "Is it ridiculous to peel off the image?" 100. Xie Jing's daughter is suitable for Wang Xiaoer, and her son loves beauty very much. Xie is a teacher with a long history and was shot; The king regarded it as a long history and took it to Jinling County. The teacher has been making filial piety and doesn't want to thank him. He also used this as a consultation to show his dimension to the outside world, which is actually good. After Xiao Bo's defeat, a teacher wandered around Dongcheng. When his family learned that they were waiting to worship at the south gate, they said, "Wang Ning has a different plan, and the cloud is a clever plan." Without fear, Xie Zeng folded his hands and said to him, "There is a saying in Leyan House:' Do you want to exchange five men for one woman?' "A teacher is good at his power, so he is good at it. So be good! 10 1. After returning from Yixing, Huan Xuan, he met Sima, a teacher, got drunk, sat among the guests and asked people, "What should Huan Wen do if he wants to be a thief? "Huan Xuan can't get up. The long history cited the board and said, "Therefore, it is stupid to preach martial arts, and it is a holy lesson to talk about this matter." A teacher said, "I know! I know! " That is, holding a wine cloud: "Huan Yixing, advise Qing to drink." Huan thanked him.
102. Xuanwu moved to Zhou Nan, which straightened the streets. Some people say that Wang Dongting said, "When the Prime Minister first established health, he took it away unreasonably, but it was evil to write songs." Dongting said, "This Prime Minister is a coincidence. Jiang Zuodi is not as good as China; If you smooth the buildings, you can see them at a glance. Therefore, making mistakes is unpredictable. " 103. Huan Xuan is interested in Yin Jingzhou, and Yin sleeps in the concubine room during the day, which makes no sense. When talking about this matter after Huan, Yin Yun said: "I didn't sleep at the beginning. Even if there is this, isn't there a' virtuous and easy to change color'!" 104. Huan Xuan asked yangfu: "Why is it important to be a warrior?" The sheep said, "Go with the demon." 105. Xie Hun asked yangfu, "Why do you raise Hu Lian?" The sheep said, "Therefore, it should be regarded as a device for receiving gods." 106. After Huan Xuan usurped the throne, the imperial bed sank slightly, and his ministers were eclipsed. Yin Zhongwen said, "Sage lies in profundity and cannot be recited." When people are good.
107. Since Huan Xuan usurped the throne, he changed it to Zhiting and asked around, "Where should Langlang Province be among the samurai?" Someone replied, "No." At that time, it was extraordinary. Q: "Why don't you know anything?" A: "Pan Yue's" Autumn Xing Fu "said:" I am also a warrior corps commander, living in a province that rides straight away. " "Xuan client called good.
108. Xie Lingyun wore a strange hat, and Confucius said, "If you want to be ambitious, why can't you stay like a beggar?" Xie replied, "People who are not afraid of the shadow will not forget it."