Csrss.exe subsystem server process
Winlogon.exe administrator user login.
Services.exe contains many system services.
Lsass.exe manages IP security policies and starts ISAKMP/ oakley (IKE) and IP security drivers.
Svchost.exe Windows 2000/XP File Protection System
SPOOLSV.EXE loads the file into memory for later printing. )
Explorer.exe Resource Manager
Pinyin icon in internat.exe tray area)
Mstask.exe allows programs to run at specified times.
Regsvc.exe allows remote registration operations. (system service)-> Remote register
Winmgmt.exe provides system management information (system services).
inetinfo.exe msftpsvc、w3svc、iisadmn
tlntsvr.exe tlnrsvr
Tftpd.exe implements TFTP Internet standard. The standard does not require a user name and password.
$ termservice terminology service
Dns.exe answered the query and update request for the name of Domain Name System (DNS).
Tcpsvcs.exe provides the ability to remotely install Windows 2000 Professional on PXE remote bootable client computers.
Ismserv.exe allows sending and receiving messages between Windows Advanced Server sites.
Ups.exe manages the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) connected to the computer.
Wins.exe provides NetBIOS name service for TCP/IP customers who register and resolve NetBIOS type names.
Llssrv.exe Certificate Recording Service
Ntfrs.exe maintains file synchronization of file directory contents among multiple servers.
RsSub.exe controls the media used to store data remotely.
Locator.exe manages the RPC name service database.
Lserver.exe registered customer license.
Dfssvc.exe manages logical volumes distributed over a local area network or a wide area network.
Clipsrv.exe supports the Clipbook Viewer, so that clippings can be viewed from remote scrapbooks.
Msdtc.exe parallel transactions are distributed in more than two databases, message queues, file systems or other transaction protection resource managers.
Faxsvc.exe helps you send and receive faxes.
Cisvc.exe index service
System management services requested by dmadmin.exe disk management.
Mnmsrvc.exe allows authorized users to remotely access Windows desktops using NetMeeting.
Netdde.exe provides dynamic data exchange (DDE) network transmission and security functions.
Smlogsvc.exe configures performance logs and alerts.
Rsvp.exe provides network signaling and local communication control installation functions for programs and control applications that depend on quality of service (QoS).
RsEng.exe coordinates services and management tools for storing infrequently used data.
RsFsa.exe manages the operation of storing files remotely.
Grovel.exe scans duplicate files on zero backup storage (SIS) volumes and points duplicate files to data storage points to save disk space (NTFS file system only).
SCardSvr.ex manages and controls the access of smart cards inserted into computer smart card readers.
Snmp.exe contains agents that can monitor network device activity and report to the network console workstation.
Snmptrap.exe receives a trap message generated by a local or remote SNMP agent, and then passes the message to the SNMP manager running on this computer.
UtilMan.exe starts and configures assistive tools from the window.
MSIexec.exe installs, repairs and removes software according to the commands contained in. Msi file
Windows 2000/XP/2003 Service Full Edition
secedit.exe & gt; Start the security editor to help automatic security configuration management
services.exe & gt; Control all services. Control all services.
sethc.exe & gt; Set high contrast-change the color and display mode to log out and set it back to the normal setting high contrast.
setreg.exe & gt; Display software release status key value displays the national language of software release.
setup.exe & gt; The Gui box prompts you to go to the control panel to configure the system component installer (go to the control panel).
setver.exe & gt; Set Version for Files sets the MS-DOS version number reported by the MS-DOS subsystem to the program.
sfc.exe & gt; System file checker tests and checks the integrity of system files.
sfmprint.exe & gt; Macintosh printing service printing Macintosh service
sfmpsexe.exe & gt;
sfmsvc.exe & gt;
shadow.exe & gt; Monitor another Terminal Services session. Monitor another medium server session.
share.exe & gt; Windows 2000 and MS-DOS subsystems do not use this command. This command only applies to MS-DOS files.
shmgrate.exe & gt;
shrpubw.exe & gt; Create and share folders Create and * * * share folders.
sigverif.exe & gt; File signature verification file signature verification
skeys.exe & gt; Serial number making tool
smlogsvc.exe & gt; Performance logs and alerts Performance logs and alerts
smss.exe & gt;
sndrec32.exe & gt; Start the Windows recorder
sndvol32.exe & gt; Display the current volume information and display the sound control information.
snmp.exe & gt; Simple network management protocol for network management
snmptrap.exe & gt; Utilities used with SNMP tools
sol.exe & gt; Windows solitaire game card
sort.exe & gt; Compare file and folder read inputs, sort data, and write the results to the screen.
SPOOLSV.EXE & gt; Part of the spooler service used to print the print pool service.
sprestrt.exe & gt;
srvmgr.exe & gt; Start Windows server manager server manager
stimon.exe & gt; WDM stills->; class monitor
stisvc.exe & gt; WDM stills->; service
subst.exe & gt; Associate a path with a drive letter Associate a path with a drive letter.
svchost.exe & gt; Svchost.exe is the universal host process name of a service running from a dynamic link library (dll).
DLL main process
syncapp.exe & gt; Create a Windows briefcase. Create Windows package
sysedit.exe & gt; Open the editor for 4 system files System Configuration Editor.
syskey.exe & gt; Encrypting and protecting system database nt account database with grouping tool
sysocmgr.exe & gt; Windows 2000 installer 2000 installer
systray.exe & gt; Start the system tray in the lower right corner. Run systray with low privileges.
taskman.exe & gt; Task manager
taskmgr.exe & gt; Start windows 2000 Task Manager Task Manager
tcmsetup.exe & gt; Telephone customer guide telephone service customer installation
tcpsvcs.exe & gt; TCP service TCP service
. Exe> Telnet utility for connecting to Telnet server.
termsrv.exe & gt; Terminal server terminal service
tftp.exe & gt; Small FTP transfers files to or from remote computers running TFTP services.
tftpd.exe & gt; Ordinary FTP daemon
themes.exe & gt; Change Windows Themes Desktop Themes
tlntadmn.exe & gt; Telnet server administrator Telnet service management
tlntsess.exe & gt; Show Current Telnet Session Displays the current Telnet session.
tlntsvr.exe & gt; Start the Telnet server and start the Telnet service.
tracert.exe & gt; Trace the route to show the path This diagnostic utility sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo packets with different time-to-live (TTL) values to the target to determine the route to the target.
tsadmin.exe & gt; Terminal server administrator terminal service administrator
tscon.exe & gt; Attach a user session to a terminal session. Paste the user session to the terminal session.
tsdiscon.exe & gt; Disconnect the user from the terminal session.
tskill.exe & gt; Terminate the terminal server process and terminate the terminal service.
tsprof.exe & gt; Used with terminal server to query results. Use terminal services to obtain query results.
tsshutdn.exe & gt; Shut down the system. Shut down the system.
unlodctr.exe & gt; Part of performance monitoring part of performance monitor.
upg 35 1db . exe & gt; Upgrade Jet database upgrade jet database.
ups.exe & gt; UPS service
user.exe & gt; Core Windows service
userinit.exe & gt; Part of the winlogon process.
usrmgr.exe & gt; Start windows Domain User Manager Domain User Manager
utilman.exe & gt; This tool enables administrators to specify which computers automatically open accessibility tools.
When Windows 2000 starts. Specifies that the machine will automatically turn on when it is started in 2000.
verifier.exe & gt; Driver verifier manager
vwipxspx.exe & gt; Load IPX/SPX VDM and call IPX/SPX VDM.
w32tm.exe & gt; Windows time server time server
wextract.exe & gt; Used to extract windows files and decompress Windows files.
winchat.exe & gt; Open Windows chat. open windows chat.
winhlp32.exe & gt; Start the Windows help system running the help system.
winlogon.exe & gt; Used as part of the login process. Part of the login process.
winmine.exe & gt; Windows game mining
winmsd.exe & gt; Windows diagnostic utility system information
wins.exe & gt; Wins service Wins service
winspool.exe & gt; Print route print route
winver.exe & gt; Show the current version of windows Show the version of Windows.
wizmgr.exe & gt; Start the Windows Management Wizard Windows Management Wizard
wjview.exe & gt; Java command line loader command line calls Java
wowdeb.exe & gt; . First of all, the 32-bit API requires the WOWDEB.EXE task to run in the VM startup of the target debugging ee, which is required by the 32-bit API.
wowexec.exe & gt; To run Windows on a Windows application, please run Windows on a Windows application.
wpnpinst.exe & gt; ?
write.exe & gt; Start MS Write program wordpad
ws cript.exe & gt; Windows scripting utility scripting tool
wupdmgr.exe & gt; Start the Windows Update Wizard (Internet) to run the Windows Upgrade Wizard.
xcopy.exe & gt; Used to copy directories Copy files and directories, including subdirectories.
Note: There are some internal commands. Please refer to the help file in 2000. They are all in Chinese. Please have a look for yourself.
mountvol.exe & gt; Create, delete, or list volume mount points. Create, delete, or list mount points for volumes.
mplay32.exe & gt; MS media player
mpnotify.exe & gt; Multi-provider notification application Multi-provider notification application
MQ 1 sync . exe & gt;
mqbkup.exe & gt; Ms Message Queuing Backup and Restore Utility Message Queuing Backup and Restore Tool
mqexchng.exe & gt; MSMQ Exchange connector installer message queuing Exchange connection settings
mqmig.exe & gt; MSMQ Migration Utility Message Queuing Migration Tool
mqsvc.exe & gt; ?
mrinfo.exe & gt; Multicast routing using SNMP uses SNMP multicast routing.
mscdexnt.exe & gt; Install MSCD (MS CD extension) Install MSCD.
msdtc.exe & gt; Dynamic transaction controller console
msg.exe & gt; Send messages to local or remote users. Send messages to local or remote customers.
mshta.exe & gt; HTML application host
msiexec.exe & gt; Start the Windows Installer program to start Windows installation.
mspaint.exe & gt; Microsoft sketchpad
msswchx.exe & gt;
mstask.exe & gt; Task planner
mstinit.exe & gt; Task Scheduler Settings Task Schedule Installation
narrator.exe & gt; The program will allow you to have a narrator to read. Microsoft narrator
nbtstat.exe & gt; Use NBT to display protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connection Use NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) to display protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connection.
nddeapir.exe & gt; NDDE API server-side NDDE API server-side
net.exe & gt; Net utility/?
net 1 . exe & gt; An updated version of the. Net utility.
netdde.exe & gt; Network DDE will be installed to the background by itself, and installed to the background by itself.
netsh.exe & gt; Create a shell for network information to configure and monitor the Windows 2000 command-line scripting interface.
netstat.exe & gt; Displays the current connection. Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.
nlsfunc.exe & gt; Load country-specific information Load information about a specific country. Windows 2000 and MS-DOS subsystems do not use this command. This command only applies to MS-DOS files.
notepad.exe & gt; Open windows 2000 Notepad Notepad
nslookup.exe & gt; Display DNS information This diagnostic tool displays information from a Domain Name System (DNS) name server.
ntbackup.exe & gt; Open NT backup utility backup and troubleshooting tool.
ntbooks.exe & gt; Start the Windows help utility help
ntdsutil.exe & gt; Perform the maintenance of ADSI database and complete the maintenance of ADSI database.
ntfrs.exe & gt; File replication service
ntfrsupg.exe & gt;
ntkrnlpa.exe & gt; Core patch
ntoskrnl.exe & gt; The core of NT kernel KT
ntsd.exe & gt;
ntvdm.exe & gt; Simulate 16-bit Windows environment.
NW 16 . exe & gt; Netware steering gear
NWS cript.exe & gt; Run netware scripts Run Netware scripts.
odbcad32.exe & gt; ODBC 32-bit Administrator 32-bit ODBC Management
odbcconf.exe & gt; Configure ODBC drivers and data sources from the command line configure odbc drivers and data sources from the command line.
os2.exe & gt; Warp server
os2srv.exe & gt; Warp server
os2ss.exe & gt; Warp server
osk.exe & gt; Screen keyboard
packager.exe & gt; Windows 2000 Packager Manager Object Wrapper
pathping.exe & gt; The combination of Ping and Tracert includes the procedures of Ping and Tracert.
pax.exe & gt; Is a POSIX program, and the path name used as a parameter must be specified in POSIX format. use
"//c/users/default" starts the Portable Archive Exchange (Pax) utility instead of "c: \ users \ default".
pentnt.exe & gt; Used to check Pentium's floating-point division errors. Check the floating-point error of Pentium.
perfmon.exe & gt; Start windows performance monitor performance monitor
ping.exe & gt; The packet Internet probe verifies the connection with the remote computer.
posix.exe & gt; Used for backward compatibility with Unix for UNIX compatibility.
print.exe & gt; Cmd lines used to print files print text files or display the contents of a print queue.
progman.exe & gt; project manager
proquota.exe & gt; Profile quota plan
psxss.exe & gt; POSIX subsystem application
qappsrv.exe & gt; Displays the application terminal servers available on the network.
Displays the programs available to the terminal server on the network.
qprocess.exe & gt; Display information of local or remote processDisplays information of local or remote processes (Terminal Services required).
query.exe & gt; Query terms server user processes and sessions Query processes and sessions.
quser.exe & gt; Display the information of the logged-in user. Display the login information of the user (terminal service is required).
qwinsta.exe & gt; Displays information about the terminal session. Displays information about terminal services.
rasadmin.exe & gt; Start the Remote Access Management Service Start the Remote Access Service.
rasautou.exe & gt; Create a RAS connection to establish a RAS connection.
rasdial.exe & gt; Dial-up connection
rasphone.exe & gt; Start RAS connection and run RAS connection.
rcp.exe & gt; Copy files from RCP service to RCP service. Copy files between a Windows 2000 computer and a system running Remote Shell Port Monitor rshd.
rdpclip.exe & gt; Rdpclip allows you to copy and paste files between a terminal session and a client console session. Copy and paste files at the terminal and locally.
recover.exe & gt; Recover readable information from a bad or defective disk.
redir.exe & gt; Start the redirector service to run the redirection service.
regedt32.exe & gt; 32-bit registration service
regini.exe & gt; Modify the registry permissions from the script to modify the registration license.
register.exe & gt; Register a program so that it can have special execution characters. Register a program that contains special running characters.
regsvc.exe & gt;
regsvr32.exe & gt; I don't know how and where to register and deregister DLLs. Registering and deregistering dlls.
regtrace.exe & gt; Option to adjust debugging options for applications that cannot dump trace statements.
Tracking settings
regwiz.exe & gt; Registration wizard Registration wizard
remrras.exe & gt;
replace.exe & gt; Replace File Replaces a file in the target directory with a file with the same name in the source directory.
reset.exe & gt; Resetting the active section resets the active part.
rexec.exe & gt; Run the command on the remote host running the REXEC service. Run the command on the remote computer running the rexec service. The rexec command verifies the user name on the remote computer before executing the specified command, and can only be used after the TCP/IP protocol is installed.
risetup.exe & gt; Start the Remote Installation Service Wizard. Run the Remote Installation Wizard service.
route.exe & gt; Displays or edits the current routing table. Control the network routing table.
routemon.exe & gt; No longer support is no longer support!
router.exe & gt; Router software running on a dedicated DOS or OS/2 system. Routing software is in dos or OS/2 system.
rsh.exe & gt; Run the command on the remote host running the rsh service Run the command on the remote computer running the RSH service.
rsm.exe & gt; Install and configure remote system media Configure remote system media.
rsnotify.exe & gt; Remote storage notification withdrawal remote storage notification response
rsvp.exe & gt; Resource reservation protocol source reservation protocol
runas.exe & gt; Running programs as other users allows users to run specified tools and programs with other permissions.
rundll32.exe & gt; Start the 32-bit dll program. Start the 32-bit DLL program.
runonce.exe & gt; Causes the program to run when it is started in the restart menu.
rwinsta.exe & gt; Reset the session subsystem hardware and software to understand the initial values. Reset the session subsystem hardware and software to the original values.
savedump.exe & gt; Do not write e: \ winnt \ User.dmp Do not write User.dmp..
scardsvr.exe & gt; Smart card resource management server daughter card resource management server
schupgr.exe & gt; It will read the schema update file (. Ldf file) and upgrade the mode. (part of ADSI) Read the plan update file and update the plan.
accwiz.exe & gt; Accessibility wizard, which guides you to set up the machine according to the mobile requirements. Accessibility wizard
acsetups.exe & gt; ACS installs DCOM server executable file.
actmovie.exe & gt; Direct display installation tool Direct display installation tool.
append.exe & gt; Allows the program to open the data in the specified directory as if they were in the current directory. Allows the program to open data in the specified directory.
arp.exe & gt; Network Display and Modify IP- Hardware Addresses Displays and changes the corresponding list of IP and hardware physical addresses of the computer.
at.exe & gt; At is a scheduling utility, which is also included in UNIX, and is used to schedule running tasks.
atmadm.exe & gt; Displays the statistics of the ATM call manager. ATM Call Manager Statistics
attrib.exe & gt; Display and modify the properties of files and folders Display and change the properties of files and folders.
autochk.exe & gt; Used to check and repair the windows file system.
autoconv.exe & gt; Automatic file system conversion during reboot, and automatic system conversion during startup.
autofmt.exe & gt; The file formatting process is automatically performed during the restart, and the process is formatted during the startup.
autolfn.exe & gt; Use long file name format for formatting long file names.
bootok.exe & gt; The startup of the registry accepts applications.
bootvrfy.exe & gt; Bootvrfy.exe, a program included in Windows 2000, is used to inform the system that it started successfully.
Bootvrfy.exe can run on a local or remote computer. Notification of successful startup.
cacls.exe & gt; Displays or modifies the access control list (ACL) of a file. Display and edit acls.
calc.exe & gt; Windows calculator calculator
cdplayer.exe & gt; Windows CD player CD player
change.exe & gt; Change the {User | Port | Login} query related to the terminal server.
charmap.exe & gt; charmap
chglogon.exe & gt; Same as using Change Login to start or stop session recording.
chgport.exe & gt; Same as changing a port (Terminal Services) by using Change Port.
chgusr.exe & gt; Same as changing users (Terminal Services) by using Change User.
chkdsk.exe & gt; Check the hard disk error simulator to ScanDisk 3. You must specify a drive letter disk checker.
chkntfs.exe & gt; Same as using chkdsk, but for NTFS NTFS disk checker.
cidaemon.exe & gt; Ci file service component constitutes Ci file service.
cipher.exe & gt; Displays or changes the encryption of directories [files] on NTFS partitions. Displays or changes encrypted files or directories on NTFS.
cisvc.exe & gt; Content indexing-it is a content indexing service for I indexing content.
ckcnv.exe & gt; Cookie converter converts cookies
cleanmgr.exe & gt; Disk cleaning, popularity and windows 98 disk cleaning
cliconfg.exe & gt; Sql server Client Network Utility Sql Client Network Tool
clipbrd.exe & gt; The local Clipboard Viewer will allow you to connect to other Clipboard Clipbook Viewers.
clipsrv.exe & gt; Start the clipboard server to run the clipboard service.
clspack.exe & gt; The Clpack used to create the system package file list creates the system file list.
cluster.exe & gt; Show clusters in a domain Show clusters in that domain.
_cmd_。 Exe> famous command prompt has nothing to say!
cmdl32.exe & gt; Connection manager automatically downloads automatic download connection management.
cmmgr32.exe & gt; Connection manager
cmmon32.exe & gt; Connection Manager Monitor Connection Manager Monitor
cmstp.exe & gt; Connection Manager Profile Manager Connection Manager Profile Installer
comclust.exe & gt; About Cluster Server Cluster
comp.exe & gt; Comcluster add, delete or join a cluster. Compare the contents of two files and filesets *
compact.exe & gt; Displays or changes file compression on NTFS partitions. Displays or changes the compression status of files on NTFS partitions.
conime.exe & gt; Console IME IME console
control.exe & gt; Start the control panel control panel
convert.exe & gt; Convert file system to NTFS Convert file system to NTFS.
convlog.exe & gt; Convert msis log file to NCSA format.
cprofile.exe & gt; Copy configuration file to change display mode.
cs cript.exe & gt; Compare the Ms windows script host version 5. 1 with this host version.
csrss.exe & gt; Client server runtime process client server runtime process
csvde.exe & gt; Comma Separated Variable Import/Export Utility Solar to Solar Format Converter
dbgtrace.exe & gt; Related to terminal server
dcomcnfg.exe & gt; Displays the current DCOM configuration. DCOM configuration properties.
dcphelp.exe & gt; ?
dcpromo.exe & gt; Upgrade domain controller to ADSI ad installation wizard
ddeshare.exe & gt; Display DDE share on local or remote computer
ddmprxy.exe & gt;
debug.exe & gt; Run the program testing and editing tool DEBUG. It's debugging!
dfrgfat.exe & gt; File system FAT partition disk defragmenter
dfrgntfs.exe & gt; Defragmenter for defragmenting NTFS file system NTFS partition disk
dfs_cmd_。 Exe> configure Dfs tree.
dfsinit.exe & gt; Distributed file system initialization Distributed file system initialization
dfssvc.exe & gt; Distributed file system server
diantz.exe & gt; MS CABinet manufacturer makes cab file.
diskperf.exe & gt; Start physical disk performance counters Disk performance counters
dllhost.exe & gt; Dllhost is used in all versions of Windows 2000. Dllhost is the hedost process of all COM+ applications.
The main process of all COM+ applications.
dllhst3g.exe & gt;
dmadmin.exe & gt; Disk management service
dmremote.exe & gt; Part of the disk management service.
dns.exe & gt; DNS application d