Hearthstone duel mode is one of the main modes in the game. Version 23.0 has added some duel mode heroes. Let’s take a look at the introduction of the new hero skills in duel mode in Hearthstone version 23.0
The skills and signature treasures of the Explorers Association series heroes and the unlocking of Tomb of Terror inherit the progress of Tomb of Terror, and can be unlocked through both duel game progress and Tomb of Terror game progress.
Reno Jackson
Skill 1: Amateur Mage, 2 costs, causing 1 point of damage. Combo: Deals 2 damage instead.
No need to unlock
Skill 2 "Archaeology Expert", 1 fee, in this round, your next spell will gain spell damage 2.
Unlock: Use 25 cards with a mana cost less than or equal to (3) points
Skill 3 Play Arcane, 2 costs, fires two missiles, each causing 1 point harm. If any minion dies, this effect repeats.
Unlock: Use hero skills 30 times
Signature treasure 1: Raynor's Lucky Hat, 2 costs, gives a follower 2/2 and spell damage 2.
No need to unlock
Signature treasure 2 Raynor's Flexible Lasso, a 2-cost 3/2 weapon. After your hero attacks, it copies a card in your opponent's hand.
No need to unlock
Signature treasure 3 Reno's magic torch, 2 costs, causing 4 points of damage. Combo: Shuffle a copy of this card into your deck, and the damage it causes increases by 2 points.
Unlock: Use 25 professional minion cards of "Saudis of Uldum"
Signature treasure 4 advanced grave explorer, 4 costs 5/5, battle cry: in this game , if you played 5 secret cards, change your hero power to "Discover a Treasure Card".
Unlock: Use 25 professional minion cards from "Exploring the Sunken City"
Signature treasure 5 Thunder·Fire Palm, 4 costs 2/6, in each round, in your After casting the first spell, cast it again (with the same target).
Unlock: Use 25 professional spell cards of "Saudis of Uldum"
Signature treasure 6 Gatling Staff, 5 costs, causes 3 points of damage, randomly distributed to all On enemy minions (increased every time you cast a spell in this game).
Unlock: Use 25 professional spell cards of "Exploring the Sunken City"
Elise·Star Chaser
Skill 1 Elise's power, 2 fees, choice: gain 2 attack power this round; or gain 2 armor points.
No need to unlock
Skill 2 Druid Teaching, 2 fees, restores 2 health points. At this time, if the target has all life points, draw a card.
Unlock: use 40 spell cards
Skill 3 Star Chasing, passive, after you cast three spells in one round, put a "Moonfire" spell into the Your hand.
Unlock: Attack 10 times with your hero
Signature Treasure 1 Star Chasing Set, 4 fees, discover a follower card and a spell card, its mana cost is reduced ( 2) point.
No need to unlock
Signature treasure 2 Elise's Scimitar, a 5-cost 3/3 weapon. After your hero attacks, summon two 2/2 trees. And make it a surprise.
No need to unlock
Signature treasure 3 Edara, 7 costs 3/6, battle cry: shuffle all enemy minions into your deck.
Unlock: Use 25 professional minion cards from "Saudis of Uldum"
Signature Treasure 4 Advanced Navigator, 5 costs 2/10, whenever you target this minion Cast a spell that costs (2) mana or more and put a copy of the spell card into your hand.
Unlock: Use 25 professional follower cards from "Exploring the Sunken City"
Signature treasure 5 academic research, 3 costs, at the beginning of the battle: draw this card. Gain 1 Mana Crystal (levels up every time a friendly minion dies).
Unlock: Use 25 professional spell cards of "Saudis of Uldum"
Signature treasure 6 Rebirth Staff, 10 costs, resurrects 5 friendly followers with the highest mana cost , and make it taunted.
Unlock: Use 25 professional spell cards of "Exploring the Sunken City"
Bryan Bronzebeard
Skill 1: Scatter, 2 costs, causing 1 1 point of damage, and then 1 point of damage to the enemy hero.
No need to unlock
Skill 2 is well equipped and costs 2. It randomly equips a weapon and changes its durability to 1 point.
Unlock: Use 15 weapon cards
Skill 3 Dinosaur Tracking, passive, at the beginning of your turn, discover the card you want to draw.
Unlocked: Found 30 times
Signature treasure 1: A reliable old shotgun, a 3-cost 4/2 weapon. After your hero attacks, it causes 1 point of damage to all enemies.
No need to unlock
Signature treasure 2 Brian's Saddle, 3 costs, gives a friendly beast 3/3, and "Deathrattle: Randomly change Brian's saddle Throw it to another friendly beast. ”
No need to unlock
Signature treasure 3 Titan’s Claw, 4 costs, randomly destroys two enemy followers. Gain armor equal to the combined attack power of both minions.
Unlock: Use 25 professional minion cards of "Saudis of Uldum"
Signature Treasure 4 Advanced Excavator, 5 costs 3/6, battle cry: draw three cards. The mana cost of the drawn minion card is reduced by (4) points.
Unlock: Use 25 professional follower cards of "Exploring the Sunken City"
Signature treasure 5 Flo Rock Seal, 6 costs 4/4, battle cry, deathrattle: Put a random treasure card into your hand.
Unlock: Use 25 professional spell cards of "Saiders of Uldum"
Signature treasure 6 Brian's Baby Egg, 7 costs 0/3, after the follower takes damage , summoning Tyrannosaurus King Krush.
Unlock: Use 25 professional spell cards of "Exploring the Sunken City".
Sir Finley Mogton
Skill 1 updated "Recruit", cost 2, summons a 2/2 fusion monster explorer.
No need to unlock
Skill 2 Bubble Rising, discover a Shaman or Paladin battle cry follower card for 1 fee. Overload: (1).
Unlock: use 25 battle cry cards
Skill 3 Strength Enhancement, cost 2, allows a follower to gain Divine Shield and Windfury.
Unlock: use 20 hole-detection cards
Signature treasure 1 Finley's Adventure Helmet, 2 costs, giving all your followers 2 health points. Shuffle this card into your deck.
No need to unlock
Signature treasure 2 "Mighty War Horse" Maxwell, 5 fees 3/5, raid, resurrection. Gain 2 Attack for each other minion on the battlefield.
No need to unlock
Signature treasure 3, true silver spear, 5 charges 3/1, blood-sucking. After you overload, gain 1 durability.
Unlock: Use 25 professional minion cards of "Saudis of Uldum"
Signature Treasure 4 Advanced Scout, 5-cost 6/6, Assault, Windfury. At the end of your turn, deal 6 damage to a random enemy minion.
Unlock: Use 25 "Quest for the Sunken City" professional follower cards.
Signature treasure 5: Lost Carl, 8 mana 6/6, battle cry: Summons six 1/1 Silver Hand recruits, and gives all friendly minions taunt and divine shield.
Unlock: Use 25 professional spell cards of "Saudis of Uldum"
Signature treasure 6 Sword of Justice, 5 costs, transforms all followers into 1/1 murlocs . Randomly put Murloc cards into your hand until the number of cards in your hand reaches the upper limit. These Murloc cards cost (1) mana.
Unlock: Use 25 professional spell cards of "Exploring the Sunken City".