1, Cydia Post Bar Source (recommended): apt.cydiaba.cn
2.HackCN source (recommended): crak.cn/repo.
3. Lei Fengyuan (recommended): apt.abcydia.com
4. Wei Fengyuan (recommended): apt.so
5. Weifeng boutique technology source (recommended): repo.feng.com
6. Weifeng Dashuibi Source (recommended): apt.so/dashuibi
7. Xarod Source (recommended): repo.xarold.com
8.Xsellize source (recommended): cydia.xsellize.com
9. Source (recommended): repo.hackyouriphone.org HYI
10, Tanju Yagi Source: aptso.cn
1 1, PP assistant source: apt.25pp.com.
12, JCT Prison Break Cat Source: apt.yymao.net
13, Domino Source: apt.wxhbts.com.
14, JK Chinese source: apt.cydia.so:88
182Flex Chinese source: apt.82flex.com.
16, the source of Weifeng still rain: apt.so/aptnjzy.
17, St. Wangbi Mianliu Source: apt.sbwml.cn
18, Chinese source: apt.sunbelife.com.
19, Keevi source: apt.keevi.cc
20.IPACrazy Source: apt. * * * * * * * * *.com。
2 1, fork assistant source: apt.xxzhushou.com.
22. Bite your apple: repo.biteyourapple.net
23.CyDown Author: jilio.xarold.com
Meiyuan, Cai Ming, 24.cydia.angelxwind.net
25. Source: cydia.ppsspp.org.
26. Application Administrator: beta.unlimapps.com