The final exam in shanghai second polytechnic university adopts the course of online superstar platform exam, and the mobile phone exam is used throughout. Students must also bring their own computers or mobile phones with cameras and pre-installed Tencent meetings for docking with invigilators. Multiple choice questions, filling questions, true and false questions, etc. It's all done directly on the phone. If you need to take the exam by computer, students need to use screen recording software to record the whole process and submit the recorded video to the invigilator.
Multiple choice questions, filling questions, true and false questions, etc. It's all done directly on the phone. Candidates for short answer questions, calculation questions, analysis questions and other questions must hand-write the answers on the answer sheet (white paper) prepared in advance to achieve "one question" (after each question is completed, candidates should sign and take photos and upload). Candidates should ensure that the quality of the pictures taken is clear and the content is complete, otherwise the candidates themselves will be responsible for the poor quality of the pictures.