Here, first explain what is DOS?
disc operating system (DOS)
At present, our commonly used operating systems are windows 9x/Me, nt, 2000 and so on. , are all visual interfaces. Before these systems, the operating system used by people was DOS system. At present, dos system is not used by many people, but there are still DOS commands in the windows system we use. Most DOS commands have become a visual interface in Windows, but some advanced DOS commands still need to be executed in DOS environment. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn the command line to skillfully operate the Windows system.
Different operating systems use different commands to enter the command line interface.
Type the mand command in the running program in the start menu of Win9x/Me to enter the command line interface.
Type cmd command in the running program in the start menu of Win2000/NT to enter the command line interface.
The functions of the gallbladder, such as installing the system must be completed under DOS and formatted ... and so on. ..
Lots and lots.
Question 2: What do you mean by running from the command line? Click start-> run (or WINDOWS logo key +R), then enter dotNetFx35setup.exe/lang: enu in the prompt box that opens and confirm.
Question 3: What does cd mean in the command line? Change the current directory
1. Function: Change the current directory.
2. Type: Internal command
3. Format: cd[ drive letter:] [path name] [subdirectory name]
4. Instructions for use:
(1) If the path and subdirectory name are omitted, the current directory will be displayed;
(2) If "cd" format is adopted, the root directory is returned;
(3) If the format is "cd ..", it will return to the previous directory.
Example: (1) enters the user subdirectory; (2) returning from the user subdirectory to the subdirectory; (3) Return to the root directory.
C: \ > CD fox \ user (enter the user subdirectory under the fox subdirectory)
C: \ fox \ user > cd ... (Go back to the root directory at the next higher level and notice that there are two dots after the CD ...).
C: \ fox > CD \ (back to the root directory)
C: \
Question 4: What is the command line to open the Task Manager? 1. Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager. 2. press ctrl+alt+del. 3 start running. Enter taskmgr or taskmg.exe for confirmation. 4. Open my computer, open the system32 subfolder under the windows folder of drive C, and find taskmgr.exe. Double click.
Question What is the command prompt of DOS? It seems that only old birds have been exposed to DOS, and computer novices have only a little knowledge of DOS. It used to occupy most areas of personal computer operating system, and it can be seen on most computers in the world. Because DOS system does not need a very powerful hardware system to support it, it can be used from enterprise users to home users. Although it is not an excellent operating system at present, the backward compatibility of Microsoft software determines that when Windows has problems, it often needs to be solved under DOS, especially for computer enthusiasts and friends who usually like DIY. Therefore, it is necessary to understand and learn DOS. begin
There are two common ways to start the command prompt: 1: Start \ All Programs \ Accessories \ Command Prompt.
2: Start \ Run \ Command
Basic commands-DOS commands, regardless of case, total about 100 (including text editing, virus killing, configuration files, batch processing, etc. ). The following details several commonly used DOS commands.
1 directory
Dir is the abbreviation of English word directory, which is mainly used to display files and subdirectories under a directory.
Function: Display the information of files and subdirectories in the specified disk and directory, including the volume label of the disk where the files and subdirectories are located, the names of the files and subdirectories, the size of each file, the date and time when the files and subdirectories were established, the number of file subdirectories, the total number of bytes occupied and the total remaining space on the disk.
Format: dir[c:] [path] [file name] [. ext] [/o] [/s] [/p] [/w] [/a]
Description: dir is one of the most commonly used DOS commands. Slash indicates that the content behind is a parameter. The most commonly used parameters of DOS parameters are as follows: The meaning of common parameters of dir command.
Meaning of parameters
/p When the display information is full, pause the display, and press any key to display the next screen /o classified display. O can be followed by letters with different meanings.
/w only displays the file name directory name, with five file names per line. That is, wide line display
/s displays all directory files of directories and subdirectories.
/a Displays all files in the directory (including system files and hidden files).
Example: View and display all files in the C:\ folder. At the DOS command prompt, enter dir c:\ /a /p, first enter the dir command with spaces, then enter the directory name c:\ to be viewed, then enter the parameters of this command /a (display all files) and /p (pause display), and finally press enter to execute the command. Tip: To get Help under DOS, you can directly enter Help to view all the help, or you can command/? View help for this command. 2 CDs
Cd is the abbreviation of English change directory, which is used to change the location of the directory.
Function: change or display the current directory
Format: CD[C:][ path]
Note: There are two paths: absolute path and relative path. If there is only one cd with no parameters, only the current path will be displayed. Note: There must be two "special directories" in the subdirectory, namely "."and "..", where one point represents the current directory and two points represent the parent directory. From a simple and practical point of view, as long as you learn to enter step by step (a directory name under cd) and exit step by step (cd), you can solve all the problems ...). Of course, you can also use the absolute path method.
For example, enter the Windows directory at the root of C: disk. 3 md
Md is the abbreviation of English make directory, which is used to create an empty directory.
Function: Create a subdirectory.
Format: MD[C:] path
Example: use md to create a directory named kingstone in the C: root directory ... >>
Question 6: What is *? * What does it mean in the Linux command? All files are *. * institutional documents, such as AAA.txt, can't be done without a suffix.
* Wildcards represent the number and type of indefinite characters. Both Chinese and English numbers are acceptable.
Only that decimal point is necessary.
Question 7: What is the instruction? An instruction is a command that instructs a computer to perform an operation. It consists of a string of binary numbers.
An instruction usually consists of two parts: operation code+address code.
Opcode: indicates the type or nature of the operation to be completed by the instruction, such as fetching data, adding data or outputting data.
Address code: indicates the content of the operation object or the address of the storage unit.
Macro instruction:
Macro instructions are pseudo instructions in assembly language programs.
Its format is
[macro instruction name] macro [formal parameter]
code segment
Use "formal parameters" to substitute some given names or values (arguments) when quoting macro instructions. The use of formal parameters brings great flexibility to macro instructions.
Macro call format
[Macro Instruction Name] [Actual Parameter]
The real parameter item will replace the formal parameter in the macro instruction accordingly. If the formal parameter is a label, the argument should also be a label in the macro call, and the argument should be unique. If the macro definition has its own label, the assembler will automatically change the label to a unique label when calling the macro.
Pseudo-instructions (pseudo-operations) are not executed by the computer while the program is running like machine instructions. An operation handled by the assembler in the process of assembling the source program. It can complete the functions of processor selection, program mode definition, data definition, storage area allocation, program end indication and so on. Pseudoinstructions do not generate code at compile time. The compiled pseudo instruction does not exist.
Question CMD, what is the CD command to enter disk D first?
Cd d:\ folder name
Question What is the dos command? Winver- check the Windows version kGEh.
Wmimgmt.msc-Open windows Management Architecture (WMI)xAk9.
Wupdmgr - windows Update XBS2
Wscript-windows Script Host Settings QQ0L
Wordpad DMz4
Winmsd- system information Y8Kl
Wiaacmgr-Scanner and Camera Wizard RJ 1C
Winchat-XP comes with local area network chat etfL.
Mem.exe- display memory uses qya9.
Msconfig.exe- System Configuration Utility 3yNN
Mplayer2-Simple widnowskmediakplayerkHSN
Mspaint-drawing board ynm8
MSTSC- Remote Desktop Connection WnGv
Mplayer2-Media Player m5WG
Magnifier tool gryK
MMC- Open the console z470.
Synchronization command KCNf
Check DirectX information.
Drwtsn32-q system doctor q2Cx
Devmgmt.msc-5 device manager 5B5K
DFRG。 Disk defragmenter
Disk management utility DBvf
DFG- open the system component service cQGy.
DDE sharing-turn on DDE*** to enjoy setting s7Vh.
DVD player fK7C.
Stop the messenger service Uwgg.
Start messenger service tEc9.
Notepad-Open Notepad VN7I.
Nslookup-Network Management Tools Wizard
Ntbackup-system backup and restore CYS 1
The narrator-the screen "narrator" Luke said.
Ntm *** gr.msc-Mobile Storage Manager 0hUA
Ntmsoprq.msc-Mobile Storage Administrator Operation Request 6YaL
The netstat-an-(TC) command checks the interface kWG5.
Syncpap- create a briefcase 1GVM.
System configuration editor DZJR
File signature verification program
Sndrec32-recorder keBq
Shrpubw-Create * * * Shared Folder KOyi
Secpol.msc-local security policy 23oR
Syskey- system encryption, once encrypted, it cannot be unlocked, which protects the double password z8Wn of windowszxp system.
Services.msc-local service setting 9VUt
Volume control program MkNz
Sfc.exe system file checker
SFCD/ScanNow-Windows file protection dbRZ
Tsshutdn-60 seconds countdown shutdown command CWp 1
Tourstart-xp introduces xp (roaming xp program after installation) zE3y.
Taskmgr- Task Manager x9HY
Event viewer zbej
Eudcedit- word formation program zcPr
Explorer- opens the explorer xkVs.
e......& gt& gt
Question10: What does each command of DOS mean? PING command parameter description 1, -a resolves the NetBios name of the computer. [1] Example: C:\ > ping-a iceblood.yofor [ Kloc-0/66 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 03.96.68: Data packet: sending = 50, receiving = 48. Among the 48 lost packets, the fastest return speed is 40ms, the slowest is 5 1ms, and the average speed is 46ms. 3.- large size. Defines the size of the loopback packet. By default, the packet size sent by windows ping is 32byt. We can also define its size by ourselves, but there is a size limit ... >>