"Anna" tells the story of the heroine Yumei, a woman suffering from Ripley syndrome. She begins to live a full life, becoming another woman through a little lie. Anna lives a two-faced life through lies. Bae Suzy said at the press conference that she was very interested in the script: "This script is really interesting. When I read the script, my mood was very subtle, Yumi was very pitiful, and I also felt attached to her experience* **Ming. Although she has no strength, I really want to support her, and I hope her lies will not be exposed. "The editor feels that Bae Suzy's new drama "Anna" has given her great ambition. Our following revelations:
1. Bae Suzy’s new drama is divided into two parts: Yumi and Anna, two women with different names, show a contrasting life in the drama. Yumi ate bowls of noodles in the examination room to satisfy her hunger, tossed and turned in various part-time jobs, and was tired of the tired life. But Anna’s life is nothing like her glamorous weddings, social circle dinners, media attention, events and interviews. The slave Yumi stole the identity of the wealthy Miss Anna and changed her destiny step by step. She rebelled and lived a high-society life, living a double life through lies.
2. This poor girl stole Bai Fumei’s identity and moved step by step towards the pinnacle of life. Originally living an ordinary life, because I wanted to pursue a better life, I answered other people's questions with lies after being silent. Always worried that the mistress's lies will be discovered in the next second. I'm also worried about seducing Mo when it does get discovered because it will give up even more of its true self.
3. "People will write lies even in diaries only for themselves." This is the beginning of the TV series. Bae Suzy is "the nation's first love", and her face does not look out of place from high school to the age of thirty. The acting skills are worth talking about. With the change of identity, the aura changes instantly. The high school student who has repeatedly failed, the university teacher, and the most wonderful thing is that when he came home from get off work, the originally strong aura seemed to return to the real Anna in an instant. When she was working as a maid next to True Anna, even though they were all wearing famous brands.