Forensic Pioneer
Episode 1
04:24 The blood will coagulate after death. If the blood has not coagulated, it means the person is not dead. You can also check the eyeballs. When a person dies, the membrane will lose water, so the eyeballs will look a little cloudy. On the contrary, if the eyeballs still look clear, even if the person has no heartbeat, it may just be shock. .
Episode 2
20:09 Biopsy examination: Knife wounds caused before a person is alive and shortly after death are different. The degree of deep bleeding caused by the knife wound was relatively slight.
34:50 If a person wears shoes that fit his or her size, the force applied should be distributed throughout the entire sole.
Episode 3
08:22 Moss is divided into moss and moss, and there are more than 2,500 species in China. Fern moss likes to grow in fish tanks.
30:43 Norman mission: the high-altitude throwing object test. First, measure the location where the brick fell to the ground and the distance from the building, and then throw sandbags of the same weight from different heights of the pipe (a hollow iron pipe, such as a water pipe). Hopefully, the sandbags can be thrown to the same distance as where the crime occurred. This way it can be inferred from which floor of the building the bricks were thrown.
Cyanide (Aegydium): Cyanide salt, i.e. Aegyptus. (Hardware electroplating factory) Electroplating factories will emit many chemical components. When electroplating copper, brass and bronze, they will emit sodium hydroxide and cyanide salts.
Episode 6
06:35 Cantharidin: a yellow-black shell insect. It is a traditional Chinese medicine that contains cantharidin. Cantharidin can treat old ringworm and malignant sores. , but because it is too toxic, many Chinese medicine practitioners do not use it. Symptoms of cantharidin poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, heart failure, and even kidney failure.
10:35 A person's hair will grow 1~2CM every month, and these 1~2CM will record what drugs the person has taken during this period, except for psychiatric drugs or penicillin. In addition, many drugs will accumulate in the hair.
Episode 7
04:30 Paper is a multi-layered fibrous tissue. If it is penetrated by water, the water will penetrate the stains on the surface due to capillary action. Inner layer of fibrous tissue.
Episode 8
05:42 The dura mater is a tissue that protects the brain. In addition to being hard, it also has a shock-absorbing effect. Without the impact force of hundreds of pounds, it would not be possible to cause it to rupture and cause acute bleeding.
Episode 10
07:36 There is a cavity inside the tooth, and the enamel surrounding the outer layer is one of the hardest substances in the world. As long as the cavity of the tooth is preserved If it works well, there is a chance to extract DNA from it.
10:57 Rigor mortis: Within half an hour to three hours after death, stiffness will appear from the eyelids to the jaw, and after 6 to 12 hours, the whole body will gradually become stiff. This rigor mortis phenomenon will disappear 18 to 24 hours after death.
30:40 Magnet: When the temperature reaches 500 degrees Celsius, it will reach a so-called "Curie point", which will produce demagnetization and the magnet will lose its attraction.
Episode 11
14:40 There is an enzyme called PGM in human blood. Under normal circumstances, it can last up to 13 weeks.
15:00 Each piece of glass has a different refractive index.
Episode 13
32:00 Asphalt stained on clothes can be cleaned with sodium hydroxide.
Episode 15
27:23 Signet was a French Neo-Impressionist painter in the 1920s. The most special thing about his paintings is his signature. He used to use blue first. Sign the painting with oil paint, and then cover the signature with other colors of oil paint. It can be seen using forensic multi-band lights.
Episode 16
12:15 If you drown in sea water (salt water), the pulmonary edema will be mild. On the contrary, if you drown in fresh water.
Episode 22
10:54 Alkaline water can damage DNA.
Forensic Pioneer II
Episode 1
10:20 It usually takes 3 to 6 hours after a person dies before the body will emit a putrid smell and attract flies. Lay eggs on corpses.
43:25 The main artery in the neck was severed, resulting in death from excessive blood loss. The blood flow in the neck is very high, and shock may occur in 5 or 6 seconds, so it will not be too painful.
Episode 4
04:42 Each pedestrian path has different focus points and inclinations, so the soles of the shoes have varying degrees of wear.
Episode 9
24:42 Hydrangea is a very interesting flower species. It has colored pigments that change color when combined with aluminum in the soil. The aluminum element will have different solubility due to the difference in pH in the soil, that is, the color of the flower will change according to the soil with different pH. The pH value of red medicine is 7~7.2, and the soil is alkaline. The pH value of purple flowers is 5~6, and the soil is acidic. Place a few rusty iron needles and the flowers will turn from white to purple-blue.
Add a few drops of soapy water and the soil will become alkaline and the flowers will turn red.
Episode 10
32:54 The body is buried in the soil, and the entire decomposition process takes at least 10 years.
33:08 Whenever a skeleton is found buried in soil, the nearby environmental evidence is very important, so the soil and plants covering the skeleton must be collected for testing. It is important not to damage the roots of the plants.
34:28 When burying a body, you must dig up the soil. The original roots of the tree may be damaged or even cut off. In other words, the tree roots near the skeleton should have grown back after the body was buried. As long as the growth rate and age are calculated, the year of burial can be inferred.
35:57 In fact, there is no difference between dead bones that are more than ten years old and those that are twenty or thirty years old. Unless the bones are more than a few hundred years old and become fossils, Carbon 14 can be used to verify them. Otherwise it will be difficult to determine the real time of death of the deceased.
36:17 His cheek bones are more prominent and his eye sockets are rounder. He should be Asian. The pelvis (pelvis) is relatively narrow, but the Nian bone is relatively long. It should be male.
Episode 11
21:47 During night trading, the briefcase is coated with phosphorus powder, and with night vision goggles, the phosphorus powder on the briefcase can be seen.
Episode 12
15:05 If you don’t want to tear the photos together, use one thousand c.c. of water and two c.c. of acetic acid. Don’t overdo it. Otherwise the chemicals on the surface of the photo can easily be damaged. The photos can be separated by soaking them in water for a period of time, but the photos have always been soaked in water. Even if they are separated, the images will not be too clear.
Episode 13
11:34 Human teeth are the strongest, and it takes six hours to melt at a high temperature of 1,200 degrees. But a tooth that has been buried in the soil for more than ten years may have no pulp inside.
11:50 To obtain DNA without dental pulp, you must first freeze the tooth with liquid nitrogen to make the tooth fragile, and then put the tooth fragments into the solution to dissolve, so that the DNA will dissolve in the liquid together.
Episode 15
04:05 Blood stain LVIS, which is a blood source in the form of low-speed impact splash, where the object and the contact surface come into contact at a speed of less than 1.5 meters per second, LVIS Pattern bloodstains are usually larger than 3 mm in diameter.
Episode 18
19:00 Eyes: The human brain is divided into two sides, the left side is responsible for language and thinking, and the right side is responsible for space, image and information. If a person is suddenly asked a question A difficult question, and the person's eyes were originally looking straight, but then immediately turned to the left, which means that the person is thinking rationally and "thinking" of an answer to answer, which means that there is a high chance that he is lying.
Episode 20
32:48 Chloroform: also known as "Chloroform" [Please check Baidu Encyclopedia for details]
Episode 21
23:29 Normally, a healthy adult will have 5 to 6 liters of blood. When the amount of bleeding exceeds 1.5 liters at one time, it will not be supplied to other organs, especially the kidneys, heart and other organs. In the center, another person will be in coma and shock. If he does not get timely rescue, he will die immediately. The whole process takes about a few minutes.
29:43 The blood spatter is in the form of a spray, and the diameter of the blood droplets is less than 1 mm. It is a trace of high-speed impact spatter HVIS. HVIS is usually caused by an object traveling at a speed of more than 30 meters per second. To come into contact with a blood source, usually from a gunshot, explosion, or arterial spray.
Episode 28
37:35 Usually when a flower fades, even if the petals and leaves fall off, its stem should still be green, because nutrients have to pass through the stem of the flower. Only then will it reach the petals. Even if the flowers fade, there will still be some nutrients in the stems. The stems wither faster than the flowers, and the stems appear black. The flowers may have inhaled toxic water.
39:00 Capillary and capillary action: [For detailed information, please check Baidu Encyclopedia: Capillary Phenomenon] When the capillary is inserted into the infiltrating liquid, the liquid level inside the tube rises and is higher than outside the tube. When the capillary is inserted into the non-wetting liquid, the inside of the tube The phenomenon in which liquid drops below the outside of a tube. Towels absorb water, and groundwater rising along the soil is a capillary phenomenon.
39:40 For a woman weighing 50 kilograms, as long as she absorbs 25 to 50 milligrams of wormwood, it can be fatal.
Episode 30
28:30 A mixture of concentrated nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide and acetone will explode when ignited when heated.