In addition to the necessary parts such as the letterhead, date of sending, name of the recipient, title, courtesy at the end of the letter, signature, recommender’s name, position, etc., the main content of a recommendation letter should include the following: Item:
Recommended person’s signature - To facilitate the other party’s query, it is not enough to simply write “mrwang” or “misszhang” in the recommended person’s signature. You can use standard Chinese Pinyin or English spelling, but it must be provided by the recommender himself, and it must be consistent.
How long have you known him/her (how long have you known him/her) - when did you know him or how long have you known him/her?
Degree of acquaintance (howwelldoyouknowhim/her) - whether they meet occasionally or have a close relationship, or whether they have only taught for a year and still serve as their mentor.
Relationship with the recommended person - teacher-student relationship, superior and subordinate leadership relationship, etc.
Performance of the recommended person - performance in study, life, class and extracurricular activities.
Concluding comments - willing to recommend or unwilling to recommend, unreserved or qualified recommendation, general recommendation or strong recommendation, must be clear, of course it is highly recommended. The above six items must be included in any recommendation letter. If any one of them is missing, the function of the letter will be lost or the effect of the recommendation will be greatly reduced.