Princess Lanling, as the name suggests, is of course the wife of King Lanling. After searching through history, there is only one King of Lanling in history, Gao Changgong, the Northern Qi general during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.
According to historical records, Concubine Gao Changgong’s surname was Zheng, and she should be Princess Lanling. It is not clear about her origin, but she is probably the daughter of a minister named Zheng in the court. Volume 11 of "Book of Northern Qi" contains the following record: In May of the fourth year of Wuping, the emperor's envoy Xu Zhifan drank poison. Chang Gong said to his concubine Zheng, "I am loyal to my duty. Why should I betray Heaven and be poisoned?" The concubine said, "Why don't you ask to see the beauty of Heaven?" Chang Gong said, "How can you see the beauty of Heaven?" Then he drank the medicine and died. .
In addition, Gao Changgong also had a concubine named Wang, who was given by the King of Northern Qi.
The favorite of King Lanling should be the Zheng family. There are not many records:
After King Lanling said the wrong thing, he felt that a disaster was coming and was in fear all day long. He has repeatedly acted in a low-key manner and deliberately downplayed himself, but in the end he could not escape the tragic fate of "the king tells the minister to die, and the minister has to die". One day in May of the fourth year of Wuping (AD 573), the later master Gao Wei sent an envoy to visit his brother Gao Su, and the gift he sent was a cup of poisonous wine. King Lanling was extremely sad and angry, and said to his beloved concubine Zheng: "I am loyal to my work, why should I betray God and be poisoned?" Concubine Zheng persuaded him: "Why not ask to see Tianyan?" The naive Concubine Zheng thought it was possible. It's just a misunderstanding between brothers. As long as Gao Su pleads with the emperor, he may get his life back. But King Lanling knew in his heart that it was useless to ask Gao Wei for an explanation. A year ago, Hu Luguang, an important minister and veteran who lived with him through life and death, was also innocently lured into the palace and brutally strangled to death with a bowstring. The dejected King Lanling said, "How can you see the beauty of the sky?" He drank the poisonous wine in one gulp and left this messy world resolutely. All the bonds were burned before his death. At that time, King Lanling was only 30 years old. After his death, he was buried west of the capital Ye (now Linzhang County, Handan). The murder of King Lanling, an important military commander, heralded the end of the Northern Qi Dynasty. Four years later, the Northern Qi Dynasty, which had lost its military support, was destroyed by the Northern Zhou Emperor Yu Wenyong, and almost all the descendants of the Gao family were slaughtered.