The surgical signature is not necessarily an immediate family member. Operation consent, anesthesia consent and power of attorney can be signed by the patient himself. However, in order to avoid the risks caused by surgery, the hospital will require the patient himself and his close relatives to sign the consent form for surgery and anesthesia. The main purpose of the hospital is to avoid the risks that may be brought by the operation, and to prevent the troubles and disputes that the unpredictable risks in the operation may bring to the hospital and medical staff.
Legal objectivity:
Article 165 of the Civil Code, if the power of attorney is in written form, the power of attorney shall specify the name of the agent, matters of agency, authority and time limit, and shall be signed or sealed by the client. Article 1219 Medical personnel shall explain the patient's condition and medical measures in their medical treatment activities. If surgery, special examination and special treatment are needed, the medical staff shall explain the medical risks and alternative medical schemes to the patients in a timely manner, and obtain their clear consent; If it is impossible or inappropriate to explain it to the patient, it shall explain it to the patient's close relatives and obtain their clear consent. Legal basis: Article 36 of the Interim Measures for Technical Appraisal of Medical Accidents, the expert appraisal team shall comprehensively analyze the role of medical negligence in causing the damage consequences of medical accidents, the patient's original disease status and other factors to determine the degree of responsibility for medical negligence. The degree of responsibility for medical negligence in medical accidents can be divided into: (1) complete responsibility, which means that the damage consequences of medical accidents are completely caused by medical negligence. (2) The main responsibility means that the damage consequences of medical accidents are mainly caused by medical negligence, and other factors play a secondary role. (3) Secondary liability means that the damage consequences of medical accidents are mainly caused by other factors, and medical negligence plays a secondary role. (4) Minor liability means that most of the damage consequences of medical accidents are caused by other factors, and medical negligence plays a secondary role.