1. Required tools/materials 1. Original valid ID card (needs to be applied in person) 2. Original old driver’s license (must be replaced within 90 days before the expiration date) 3. Huizhou driver’s license photo receipt ( Electronic version is sufficient) 4. Motor vehicle driver’s physical examination certificate (no need to go to the hospital separately)
2. Method/step 1. Take a photo of the driver’s license and obtain a receipt. Method 1: Go to a nearby photo studio to take the photo, the fee is Generally around 30 yuan; Method 2: Take a photo at the self-service machine at the service point, the cost is 20 yuan; Method 3: Use the WeChat ID photo-receipt applet, enter the homepage, select "Driver's License-Huizhou City", and take a photo (no background restrictions apply) Oh) or select photos to upload in the album, after passing the inspection and processing, select the electronic version to place an order and pay 15 yuan, and just receive the electronic version of the photo receipt. 2. Go to the Danshui Street Party and Mass Service Center (1) Processing time: No appointment is required, but the backend of the self-service physical examination machine requires a doctor’s review, so it needs to be operated during the doctor’s working hours. Recommended time: 8:30-21:00 on weekdays, non-stop. 8:30-17:30 on working days (if you need to take photos with the on-site self-service machine to issue a receipt, there is also a time limit, usually 8:00-21:30) (2) Application address: Tamsui Street Party and Mass Service Center is located in Huiyang, Huizhou City No. 29, Nanmen West Street, Tamsui District. (3) After arriving at the Danshui Street Party and Mass Service Center, follow the voice prompts at the "Police Post Convenience Self-Service Machine" to complete the driver's physical examination. The physical examination fee is 45 yuan. Note: You must wear glasses for myopia. (Physical examination standards: a. Age: 18-70 years old; b. Height: no limit; c. Vision: naked visual acuity in both eyes or corrected visual acuity reaching logarithmic visual acuity 4.9 (i.e. E-meter 0.8) or above, if myopic Must wear glasses; d. Color discrimination: no red-green color blindness; e. Hearing: the ears are 50 cm away from the tuning fork and can distinguish the direction of the sound source; f. Upper limbs: the thumbs of both hands are sound, and the other fingers of each hand must have three sound fingers , The motor functions of the limbs and fingers are normal; h. Lower limbs: the motor functions are normal, and the length of the lower limbs should not be greater than 5 cm; i. Trunk, neck: no motor dysfunction) (4) If the driver's license photo receipt is not prepared in advance, You can take a photo at the "Police Post Convenient Self-Service Machine" to get a photo receipt. The photo fee is 20 yuan. Note: Do not wear white or light-colored clothes. (5) After the physical examination and photography are completed, select "Driver's License Business" on the screen outside the "Police Post Convenience Self-Service Machine", then follow the steps to enter the mobile phone number, mailing address, electronic photo receipt number and other information, and confirm that the signature is correct. The production fee for the certificate is 10 yuan, and the express fee is 25 yuan within Huizhou City and 30 yuan outside the province. After obtaining the business processing receipt, you can go home. Note: Non-Huizhou driver’s licenses must be transferred to and exchanged at the window. If everything goes well, the whole operation process will take less than 10 minutes; after the business is accepted, it will be delivered to your door via postal service in about 5 working days. The default delivery address for the new certificate will be the local address in Huizhou.