Translation of works
There was a man named Feng Xuan in the State of Qi. He was too poor to support himself. He invited Meng Changjun to Meng Changjun's house for dinner. Meng Changjun asked, "What are the guests' hobbies?" The answer is, "He has no hobbies." Ask again: "What talent does the guest have?" The answer is, "He has no talent." Meng Changjun accepted him with a smile and said, "All right. "
The staff around Meng Changjun thought that Meng Changjun looked down on him, so they gave him poor food. After a while, Feng Xuan leaned against the bullet post and sang, "Go home, long pass! There is no fish for dinner. " The clerk told Meng Changjun about this situation, and Meng Changjun said, "Give him fish to eat and treat him as a diner." Soon after, (Feng Xuan) waved his sword again and sang, "Go home, long pass! There is no car when going out. " Everyone laughed at him and told Meng Changjun about it. Meng Changjun said: "Prepare a car for him and treat him as a guest riding under the door." So Feng Xuan drove to visit his friend, holding his sword in his hand, and said, "Meng Changjun took me as a guest." Soon after, Feng Xuan waved his sword again and sang, "Go home, long pass! There is no way to support the family! " All the staff hate him and think he is greedy and unsatisfied. Meng Changjun asked, "Does Mr. Feng have parents?" Answer: "There is an old mother." Meng Changjun sent someone to feed her, so that she wouldn't want anything. So Feng Xuan never sang again.
Later, Meng Changjun sent a notice and asked the diners at home: "Who is familiar with accounting work, can you go to Yi Xue to help me collect debts?" Feng Xuan signed his name (on the notice) and wrote, "I can." Meng Changjun looked surprised and said, "Who is this?" The waiter said, "The one who sings' Long Sword, Go Back'." Meng Changjun smiled and said, "This guest is really talented. It's a pity that I haven't met him before. " He specially invited Feng Xuan to see him, and apologized to him, saying, "I was very tired because of some trivial matters, distracted by worries, and was weak and stupid by nature, so I offended my husband. I'm not ashamed (of my rudeness to you), sir. Are you still interested in going to Yi Xue to help me collect debts? " Feng Xuan said, "I am willing to do it (for you)." So I got my horses and chariots ready, packed my luggage and set off with the loan. When he left, Feng Xuan asked, "What can I buy for all the debts?" Meng Changjun said, "Look at what my family lacks (just buy some back)."
Feng Xuan drove his car to Yi Xue and sent officials to call all those who should pay their debts to check the loan contract. After checking all the loan contracts, (Feng Xuan) stood up, handed over the debts to the people under the pretext of (Meng Changjun's) orders, and then burned those loan contracts. Long live the cheers of the people.
Feng Xuan drove back to Qi and went to see Meng Changjun early in the morning. Meng Changjun was surprised that he came back so soon. He dressed up and said, "have you collected all the loans?" Why are you back so soon? " Answer: "It's over." Q: "What did you buy with it?" Feng Xuan said, "You said,' Look at what my family lacks'. I thought about it in private. Your palace is full of treasures, hounds and horses are full of barns, and there are beautiful women standing under the hall. What your family lacks is righteousness. I bought you justice with my debt. " Meng Changjun asked, "What happened to Maiyi?" A: "Now you have a little Xue who doesn't treat the people there as his own children and doesn't care about them. Instead, take the opportunity to seek personal gain from them through the means of businessmen. " I gave the debt to the people under the guise of your orders, and then I burned the loan contract, and the people shouted "Long live!" " That's how I won justice for you. Meng Changjun was very unhappy and said, "Well, forget it, sir!" "
A year later, the King of Qi said to Meng Changjun, "I dare not use the officials of the previous dynasty as my officials." Meng Changjun went to his fief, Yi Xue. It's still a hundred miles from there, so people will help the old and the young and meet him on the road. Meng Changjun looked back at Feng Xuan and said, "I only saw the truth that Teacher Wang bought me righteousness today." Feng Xuan said, "The sly rabbit has three caves and can only avoid death. Now you only have a cave, and you can't sleep with a pillow. Please let me dig two more holes for you. "
Meng Changjun gave Feng Xuan fifty cars and five hundred catties of gold. Go to the west to lobby Liang. (Feng Xuan) said to Liang: "Qi banished his minister to a vassal state, and the first vassal state to see him would be rich in Qiang Bing." So King Hui of Liang gave up the phase, made the original phase a general, and sent messengers to hire Meng Changjun with 1000 Jin of gold and 100 cars. First, I went back to the state of Qi and reminded him, "A thousand dollars is a heavy dowry, and a hundred cars are noble messengers. It's time for Qi to know about it. " Liang's emissary went back and forth three times, but he refused to go.
When the King of Qi heard this, the monarch and his subjects were frightened, so he sent a teacher to send 1000 kilograms of gold, two floats and a sword (to Meng Changjun). I wrote a good letter, apologizing to Meng Changjun, saying, "I was unlucky, suffered from the disaster of my ancestors, was confused by those courtiers who please me, and offended you. I don't deserve your help; I hope you can manage the ancestral hall of the late king and come back to command the people of the whole country! "
Feng Xuan reminded Meng Changjun: "I hope you can take the sacrificial vessels handed down by the former king to the King of Qi and build an ancestral temple in the snow." After the ancestral temple was built, Feng Xuan came back and reported to Meng Changjun: "Three holes have been dug. You can lie on the high pillow and enjoy yourself! "
Meng Changjun has been a physiognomy for decades, and there is nothing evil at all. This is all Feng Xuan's plan.
original work
Poverty can't exist by itself, so people belong to Meng Changjun, and they are willing to deliver food to their homes. Meng Changjun said, "What about the guests?" He said, "No guests are good." "What can a guest do?" He said, "None of the guests can do anything." Meng Changjun accepted it with a smile: "Promise."
The left and right sides are also humble, and food is straw. Living for a long time, leaning against the column and playing the sword. This song says, "Jia is back! Don't eat fish. " About 4. Meng Changjun said: "It is better to be a guest at home than to eat." After living there for a while, he repeated his cymbals and sang, "The long cymbals are back! No car. " Laugh at it from left to right and tell you. Meng Changjun said, "It's better to drive for it than to drive under the door." So he got on the bus, drew his sword and said to his friend, "Meng Changjun is a guest." After a while, he played the sword and sang, "Longchuan is back!" " No home. "Both sides are evil (W u), thinking that greed is insatiable. Meng Changjun asked, "Is Feng Gong your relative? "Yes", there is an old mother. "Meng Changjun let a person feed him, he never tired. So Feng Xuan stopped singing.
Later, I wrote a note and asked the guest, "Who can plan (kuài) and write (wèi) for Xue Institute? Feng Xuan said," Yes. " Meng Changjun was surprised and said, "Who is this?" Left and right said, "It's the return of Godfather Changchuan." Meng Changjun said with a smile: "Hakka is capable, but I have never seen it." Please look at it. Xie Yue said: "I am tired of writing, and I am worried, but I am stupid by nature and immersed in the affairs of the country, so I have offended Yu Xiansheng." Sir, you are not ashamed, but do you blame Xue? "Feng Xuan said," I hope so. " So he got into the car, dressed neatly, took the voucher contract and said, "What is the market responsibility?" Meng Changjun said, "Look at my family. "
Drive away knowledge, let officials call everyone a compensator, and learn to close coupons. Vouchers are repeatedly raised and changed (ji m: o) and the responsibility is given to the people. Burn coupons. Long live the people
Come all the way. See you in the morning. Meng Changjun blamed him for his illness, but he saw it in his clothes. He said, "Is being responsible enough?" Why bother? "He said," That's it. " "Against what market?" Feng Xuan said, "Jun's greetings are just what my family lacks. I stole the map, the treasure was accumulated in your palace, the dogs and horses were outside the stable, and the beauty was full. What is lacking in your family is just! I thought you were upright. " Meng Changjun said, "What can cities do? "He said," Today, you have only a little knowledge. You don't love your son and his people, so you are very good. I stole your life and gave it to the responsible person. Because I burned my coupon, people called it long live. "I am a minister, so I uphold justice for this city." Meng Changjun was unhappy and said, "No, sir, stop!"
In his later years, the King of Qi summoned him, saying, "I dare not take the minister of the former king as my minister." Said in xue territory, less than a hundred miles. The people help the old and the young, and welcome you all the time. Meng Changjun mentioned Feng Xuan: "I have seen what your husband has done for culture and justice today."
Feng Xuan said: "A sly rabbit can only avoid its dead ear in the three caves; Today you have a cave, and you lie without a high pillow. Please dig two more holes for you. " Gave him 50 cars and 500 Jin of gold, and went to Liang in the west. He said to Hui Wang, "Let his minister, Meng Changjun, meet his ministers. The ministers will meet him first, and he will become rich and strong." So Liang Wang took the upper position, taking Lao Xiang as the upper general, and sent messengers to hire Meng Changjun. Pioneer Feng Xuan warned Meng Changjun: "A thousand dollars is worth a lot of money; A hundred times, it is also obvious. I have heard all about it. " Liang takes the lesser of the three evils, but sticks to his promise.
Hearing this, the King of Qi and his subjects were very afraid. They sent a teacher (Jρ) with one thousand Jin of gold, two chariots and a sword to seal the book. Xie Meng county magistrate said, "I am unlucky. I was worshipped by the ancestral temple and indulged in flattery, which offended you. I am not enough; " May you take care of the ancestral temple of the late king, and my aunt opposes national reunification! "Life way:" use the sacrificial vessels of the king first, and build a shrine in Xue. "。 When the temple was built, someone went back to Meng Changjun and said, "With the three holes built, you and your aunt can rest easy. "。"
Meng Changjun has been relative for decades, and there is no fiber (xiān), which is also Feng Xuan's plan.
Annotation of works
Genus: Please entrust me.
Left and right: refers to people around Meng Changjun. I: because. Cheap: look down, look down. Adjectives are used as verbs. One: He, not Feng Xuan. There is also a pause after the object-object phrase that indicates the reason in sentence reading. Food (s √): Give food. After "eating", save the object "knowledge" (him).
Stay, which means "passing by". Youqing: Soon. Play (tán): Tap with your fingers.
Inform: Report Feng Xuan's sword dancing and singing to Meng Changjun.
Chek: Diners who can take the bus. Meng Changjun divided the guests into three classes: those who ate fish and those who took the bus; China guests eat fish; The next guest eats vegetables.
Evil: annoying. Think: do it.
Write it down: make a notice, make a declaration.
"Learn from whom": accounting, now accounting. Xi: Yes. Accounting: Accounting work. Wei Wen: Give it to me. Wen, call himself his name. Responsibility, pass on "debt". Xue is a territory, very close to Zaozhuang.
Say "yes": sign the notice and indicate "yes".
Fruit: adverb, really, really. Negative: Sorry. He plays a "guest" (Feng Xuan). Never: adverbial structure, never.
"Tired to write" three sentences: tired, work hard for the country. Ku。 Nu (anger) is the same as cowardice and cowardice.
Offense: Offense.
Not ashamed: not ashamed of being ignored. Shame: adjective usage, think ... is shameful.
Repair the car: prepare the car and practice Li.
Voucher contract: debt contract, one for each company, which can be checked together.
Instead: buy something back. City, buy; Reverse, return.
Scarcity: scarcity, lack.
Joint bonds: refers to cheque bonds (IOUs) and contracts.
Pass: Check all. Stand up: Stand up.
Correction: Under the guise of (Meng Changjun's) order. Give the responsibility to the people: give the debt to the people, which means not to pay it back. Take: use and put.
Driving for a long time: keep driving and running, don't stop.
Blame the disease: blame the disease. I'm surprised that he came back so soon.
Steal: privately, humbly. Count: consider.
Next Chen: Last column.
Massage, nourishment and comfort.
Love: caressing. Zi Qi Min: Treat the people as children, and describe his special concern for them.
Jia (G incarnation) is determined to profit from the people as a businessman.
Say: with "Yue", everyone is happy. Hugh: Forget it, that's all.
Cycle (jι) year: one year.
King Qi: King Qi is thirsty. Former King: Qi Xuanwang, father of King Tao.
On the country: Go and live in your own fief (Xue).
Less than 100 Li: There is still 100 Li from Xuedi.
Sunday: all day.
C: Look back.
Liang: Liang of Wei Guodu (now Kaifeng, Henan). Wang Wei Grape (namely Liang Wang) moved to Liang, the capital, and the country name was once called "Liang".
Release: to discard or exempt. Y: Give ... a chance.
Dumb post: the highest post (prime minister) is vacant.
So: prime ministers of past dynasties.
On the contrary: same as "back".
You: Give something away. Wen che: A car engraved or painted with a pattern. Four-horse carriage is synonymous with "riding". Sabre: Sabre.
X: Apologize.
Ominous: Not good, not good.
Revered in the ancestral temple: punished by ancestors and gods.
Insufficient: not worthy of care and help.
Insufficient: not worth it. Pro: Help, defend. Gu: Gu Nian. Gu: temporarily, temporarily anti-China: back to Linzi, the capital of Qi State. On the contrary, it is the same as "back". Unification: command and governance. Ten thousand people: refers to the people of the whole country.
Wish: hope. Please: Point to the request of the King of Qi. Sacrificial vessels: vessels used to worship ancestors in ancestral temples. In Xue Li Temple: the same clan as the King of Qi. So he asked for the distribution of sacrificial vessels handed down by the former king and the construction of an ancestral temple in Xue. In the future, Qi will be unable to seize and destroy his country. If another country invades him, Qi will have to rescue him. This is Feng Xuan's plan for Meng Changjun, one of the "three caves".
Optical fiber interface: subtle.
Working background
This is another famous article in the Warring States Policy. It belongs to the fourth policy of the Warring States period. During the Warring States period, the patriarchal clan system was destroyed, and the power of lords such as princes and nobles was weakened. They are in urgent need of a large number of supporters and planners, so princes compete to train scholars, and this special class of "scholars" appears. During this period, it was very popular to train scholars (diners), especially Sizi. Such as Meng Changjun of Qi, Ping Yuanjun of Zhao, Xinlingjun of Wei, Chunshenjun of Chu and Lv Buwei. Most of these scholars are eloquent, resourceful, have certain political opinions, or have a skill or even stunts. "Diners 3,000" has become a feature of that era. The scholar class was a special class at that time and had certain social forces. They are attached to the monarch and constantly offer suggestions to expand their political influence and consolidate their power. Among these people, dragons and snakes are mixed, including thieves and robbers, as well as talented people with extraordinary courage. Feng Xuan, the hero of this paper, belongs to the latter. This article not only shows the talent and wisdom of the literati in the Warring States Period through Feng Xuan, but also reflects the political outlook of that era.
works appreciation
Chang County, Zhao County, Wei Xinling County and Chu Chunshen County each have a thousand divisions, named four sons. Feng Xuan is "unable to support himself because of poverty", so "please tell Meng Changjun that he is willing to deliver food to his door." Meng Changjun asked the bearer, "What's his hobby? What is his specialty? " People deliberately kept silent, but in fact they were testing Meng Changjun, a corporal known for his politeness. Meng Changjun "Laugh, Chino." Although a little contemptuous, I accepted it generously. Then, Feng Xuan conducted a second experiment. He played the sword and sang: "Long sword, let's go back, even the fish can't eat!" " Hearing this, Meng Changjun ordered all fish eaters to be treated equally. But after that, Feng Xuan upgraded every time, and asked to go out by car to support his family, but Meng Changjun met them all. Nevertheless, Meng Changjun of the left and the right despised him, "eating grass and tools", "laughing at all of them" and "hating all of them, thinking that greed is not enough". It is human nature to control people's mediocrity and ignorance only by looking at the owner's eyes and measuring people according to the situation. Although Meng Changjun had no foresight, he was tolerant and generous, which played a great role in his later recovery. Feng Xuan tried again and again, hiding his talents and pretending to be stupid and clumsy, which paved the way for his future success.
The next "debt collection from Xue" gave an opportunity to display his talents. When Meng Changjun asked for someone familiar with the accounting business, Feng Xuan, who has always claimed to be "incompetent and incompetent", resolutely recommended himself, which surprised the readers and made Meng Changjun feel deeply guilty: "I wronged him and haven't seen him yet." Then he publicly apologized: "I offended my husband before." This sudden plot shows Feng Xuan's tolerance to stand up at a critical moment and know ourselves. Meng Changjun deeply blames himself, publicly apologizes, entrusts with an important task, and makes him look like everyone else. Below, Feng Xuan's official history, burning coupons, and recalling the city's righteousness fully exposed Feng Xuan's talent. After checking everyone's IOUs, he returned all debts to the people under the guise of Meng Changjun's orders. His extraordinary actions revived the literary trend, and also showed his character of attaching importance to the people's foresight and determination. In my life, he thinks that Meng Changjun cherishes pearls and jade, and her dogs and horses are playful, and there are many beautiful ladies and concubines. Besides loving the people, she burns coupons to win back the hearts of the people. He not only laid a solid foundation for Meng Changjun's rule and won the support of the people, but also seized Meng Changjun's excuse: "Look at those people who are nothing in my family." Feng Xuan is bold, cautious, decisive and strategic, but Meng Changjun's "displeasure" and "Sir's resignation" exposed his short-sightedness and narrow-mindedness.
Next, Feng Xuan "managed the Three Caves", which helped Meng Changjun recover and consolidate its stage. One hole is a visit to Xue, and everyone helps the old and the young. "What Mr. Wang did was what he learned, but what he saw today!" He finally understood Feng Xuan's behavior and benefited from it. The second cave is the Journey to the West, which persuaded the three ambassadors to hire them for 1,000 yuan, bluffing, enhancing their prestige and giving them a sense of crisis, so as to achieve the purpose of reuse. Here once again shows Feng Xuan's resourceful character, who is good at using the contradiction between the King of Qi and the King of Liang. The Three Caves were re-employed by the King of Liang, and the King of Qi apologized and reused Meng Changjun. Speaking of this, Feng Xuan said with satisfaction: "The three caves have been built, so you can rest easy." The image of a visionary counselor is rare. At this time, Meng Changjun's attitude towards Feng Xuan changed from distrust of "displeasure" and "rest" to obedience, and was deeply impressed by Feng Xuan's talent.
The last sentence of the article says that Meng Changjun's relatives have been safe for decades, and it is entirely due to Feng Xuan's strategy. With the affirmation of Feng Xuan's talent and the benefits of Meng Changjun, it will be complete and follow.
The contrast technique of first restraining and then promoting, first demoting and then promoting even played an amazing role, adding a lot of extraordinary images of Feng Xuan.
The originality of the article is another landscape of this article. Instead of directly talking about his talent, he entered the play after the ninth turn, which enhanced the drama of historical prose.
The full text is full of ups and downs, especially for introducing facts from the virtual, trying to induce unprecedented skills to make the characters stand out, which can be called a masterpiece of writing characters.
The characteristic of this paper is to show the change of character through the change of plot. Feng Xuan's hidden talent was not revealed. His first attempt to show his talent was in sharp contrast with Meng Changjun's contempt, concern, doubt and admiration, and the plot was ups and downs and fascinating. In writing, the characters, stories, plots, dramatic conflicts and detailed descriptions of this article have the characteristics of biography and are the first in the history books of later generations.
Writing characteristics
First, describe the image of Feng Xuan's counselors with tortuous plots and vivid details.
At the beginning, it is written from the opposite side that Feng Xuan is regarded as an incompetent person. When he first came to Meng Changjun as a diner, he was treated as "eating with grass and tools". He sang it three times and begged for his life repeatedly, which reflected his resentment and extraordinary spirit. At this time of Feng Xuan, it is the so-called "talent is beautiful". When he went to Meng Changjun to ask the diners who could go to Xue Shou for debts, Feng Xuan said "yes", and Meng Changjun turned the initial "stingy" into a "stranger", and smiled and said "the guest has the ability", and his attitude changed fundamentally. This is a tortuous road. In Xue, the special way to collect debts and pay back his life reflects his courage, knowledge, fortitude and quickness, and puts the word "can" into concrete content. However, when Meng Changjun knew how Feng Xuan collected debts and how to "add luster" to him, he was "unhappy" in his heart. This is another turning point. It was not until a year later that I realized the meaning of "city righteousness" when I was "ruling the country with Xue", so I sincerely praised it. This is another turning point. While Meng Changjun was intoxicated with the achievements of "city righteousness", Feng Xuan reminded him that he could not lie down with a high pillow, and offered the task of "digging two caves for the monarch again", which solved the contradiction between Qi and Wei and created sufficient conditions for consolidating Meng Changjun's political status. This is another turning point. Through the above twists and turns, Feng Xuan's political insight and resourcefulness are demonstrated from many angles and levels. The details in the article also played the same role. For example, when Feng Xuan went to ask Xue Shou for debts, he first asked Meng Changjun, "What does the market oppose?" Meng Changjun replied, "It seems that Feng Xuan expected this answer long ago." His meaning of burning the city has nothing to do with his request, but when he returned to Qi's office, he caught it and analyzed that there was nothing at home but righteousness. In this way, Meng Changjun's "city meaning" is not only logical, but also in line with Meng Changjun's requirement of "being kind to people who have nothing to do with my family". When Meng Changjun didn't realize the function of "city righteousness", he couldn't be blamed. This also shows the wisdom of Feng Xuan, a psychological counselor, and the characteristics of being good at trying to figure out other people's psychology.
Secondly, the characteristics of the characters and their relationship are expressed by means of contrast.
For example, after singing "Feng Xuan" for three times, Meng Changjun had everything, from nothing to love and hate, to "all laughing" or even "all evil", but Meng Changjun met Feng Xuan's requirements one by one. The contrast between the two reflects Meng Changjun's willingness to cultivate scholars and his snobbery and ignorance, and "singing vigorously" itself is Feng Xuan's unfair treatment of "being despised" and "eating grass and tools". Another example is that Feng Xuan explained to Meng Changjun the reason and situation of burning coupons, but Meng Changjun was "unhappy". The contrast between them reflects Feng Xuan's political foresight and Meng Changjun's shallowness. Another example is the comparison between Meng Changjun and Feng Xuan, from "laughing at it" to "blaming it", to "please it", to "displeasure", to praise it, and finally to trust it completely. This not only reflects the tortuous process of Meng Changjun's understanding and understanding of Feng Xuan, but more importantly, makes Feng Xuan's intelligence and wisdom show to readers one by one with the development of the situation, making Feng Xuan's image as a counselor appear complete and distinct.
Famous comments
Lin Qingyun-ming's Discrimination of the Meaning of Ancient Chinese Volume 5: This is different from the historical records. If we collect debts from Xue, Historical Records is still relatively close. However, the narrative style at the beginning and end of this article is actually the blueprint of Historical Records, so it is not necessary to compare them. At first, Feng Xuan's trick was said to be worthless, so he was fed by others, and the song was very long and repeated several times. Want to be happy, want to be loyal to others, make people can't stand it, is this human nature? However, Meng Changjun is an obedient man, so he won the hearts of scholars all over the world. He has nothing to admire in this book. Self-management of debt collection is accused of a surprise victory: even if you come back from the market, you don't understand its far-reaching intentions, so you are unhappy. Go back to Xue and meet old friends before you can serve him. The sly rabbit turned into a cave for the first time, and then the second cave was chiseled, so he went. One is to see a good man in Meng Changjun and give it to him; The sight of Feng Xuan's talent was unexpected.
The new book "China Ancient Classics" Volume 8: The narrative is outstanding, and these articles have also changed from left to right, starting a historic turning point.
In the Qing Dynasty, Wu Chucai and Wu Diaohou's View on China's Ancient Literature, Volume 4: Three times, wanted to see the hero fall, but couldn't help it. The whole article is magnificent, and the gestures can make Feng Gong's eyebrows float on the paper. Therefore, depraved people add color.
Qing Yucheng's Reediting the Interpretation of China Ancient Literature Volume 4: The beauty of this article lies in the strangeness of its conception, which makes people think one paragraph after another. There are really nine Wuyi songs, which are fascinating step by step ... It is absolutely wonderful to write articles repeatedly. If the sentence is changed. The power of imitation, ups and downs, being locked and cared for, is also charming. Variant sketch is considered to be better than historical records.
Yu Tongchuan spoke highly of "National Policy Banknotes", Volume I: nothing is good, nothing is ordinary. Three bullets, desolate and lonely. The bottom is gradually colored and the knot is very lively. Round, affectionate, fine as tendons, colorful as brocade, there are a large number of mysterious village figures.
In the volume "National Policy Banknotes", it is lofty and lofty, with layers of narration and vivid changes. Connect the left home on the top and open the Longmen on the bottom.
Qingpu Qilong Ancient Writings Volume XIII: This is also a biography of Feng Xuan. Flexion and extension. Its plan is certain, it is not a huge room, and no one is unique. I like that its narrative is not flat and spread by history.
In the Qing Dynasty, Cao Depei commented on the volume Wings of China Ancient Literature written by De Yi: A bullet is a section, a city is a section, a hole is a section, and a lock is the most appropriate. And every paragraph is ups and downs, especially without a wave of pens, which is not the ultimate text.
Introduction to anthology
The Warring States Policy is a famous historical work in ancient China. It is a national history book (Mandarin is the first one), also known as national policy. It mainly records the struggle of strategists during the Warring States period. This book was written in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Western Zhou Dynasty, Qin State, Qi State, Chu State, Zhao State, Wei State, South Korea, Yan State, Song State, Wei State and Zhongshan State. Divided into 12 strategy, 33 volumes, 497 articles, about120,000 words. There is a recorded history, from 490 BC when Zhi Bo destroyed Fan to 22 1 BC when Gao Jianli attacked Qin Shihuang. It is one of the most accomplished and influential historical prose works in the pre-Qin period.