Pirated software is mainly suspected of infringing the copyright owner's right of signature, reproduction and information network communication. The right of authorship is the right to show the identity of the author and sign his name on the work. The right of reproduction refers to the right to make a work by printing, copying, enlarging, recording, video recording, copying and remaking. The right of information network communication refers to the right to provide works to the public by wired or wireless means, so that the public can obtain works at the time and place selected by individuals.
The so-called portrait right refers to a kind of personality right enjoyed by natural persons, and its content is the personal interests embodied in their portraits. Portrait owners should have exclusive rights to their portraits. Portrait owners are not only free to dispose of their own portrait rights, but also have the right to prohibit others from using their exclusive portraits without their consent.
legal provision
It is a kind of personality right that belongs exclusively to natural persons. Personal interests embodied in citizen portraits are the objects of our country's legal protection of portrait rights, including property interests and spiritual interests based on personal interests embodied in portraits. Anyone who maliciously damages, defiles or vilifies a citizen's portrait, or uses a citizen's portrait for personal attacks, shall be an act of infringing on the right to portrait.
Software developers own the copyright of their own software, which means that they can use, copy and distribute the software at will only with their permission. If a person downloads software through the internet without formal authorization, then that person infringes the copyright of the software developer. If this software is copied or distributed by others without permission, then these people have also infringed the copyright of the software developer.