How to design personalized signature
Generally speaking, a good signature has two requirements: one is clear strokes and convenient writing, because signatures appear frequently in people's social life. If your signature is unreadable and writing is inconvenient, then even if it is well designed, it is not practical enough; The second is beauty, that is, the signature is a bit artistic, giving people a kind of enjoyment of beauty and making a breakthrough as much as possible on the basis of rules. These two requirements complement each other, and to some extent, perhaps the latter is more important. If your signature is unique, charming and unique, it will be pleasing to the eye and even unforgettable, adding luster to your image. When designing a signature, we should pay attention to the following points: 1, the unity of signature fonts, that is, the same author should use the same style font in the same frame of signature. Some people have already written their surnames in running script when signing, and it suddenly occurred to them: why not write their names in regular script and official script? The author may want to show his omniscient ability, but in fact the effect is just the opposite. Not only unsightly, but also reflects the signer's lack of common sense in writing. Often different styles of signatures seem to be patchwork, which is easy for counterfeiters to take advantage of. The simplification and unification of characters generally requires the simplification and unification of surnames and first names in addition to the simplification and unification of each word. Different names are one of the most common mistakes in modern signatures. We require that both traditional Chinese characters and simplified Chinese characters be written in the same signature framework, so as to avoid the confusion of complex and simplified characters. 2. When signing, the size of the signature should be written in the specified location. The name can't be written too big (the pen is 2 cm longer than the company commander) or too small (the side length is less than 0.5 cm). It is necessary to master an appropriate degree (side length 1.5 cm). When there are cases, write them in the grid, and when there are no cases, look at the size of the text. But it should not be too formal, and it should be written generously. 3. Control the position of the collective signature When signing the collective QQ, in order to show modesty, don't grab the first place, and don't write too big, leaving more space for everyone. Of course, you should also look at your age, so that you can meet your own identity. If it is a collective signature, it can be written in order, but the font size should be based on the font size of the first signature, and it should be arranged neatly to give people a sense of beauty. But we should pay special attention not to let the strokes press on other people's signatures, which is impolite and easy to arouse other people's inner feelings. Don't be nervous and crazy about strokes, otherwise it will affect your image. 4. Pay attention to the anti-counterfeiting of the signature. This is the difference between signature art and other arts. It requires signature works not only to be recognizable, but also to prevent others from counterfeiting in a certain position. Practical signatures, especially those on contracts, contracts and important documents, are accompanied by certain responsibilities and obligations and the consequences of violating these responsibilities and obligations, and often become the key targets of counterfeiters. We ask the signer to pay attention to anti-counterfeiting, not simply to draw some symbols and curves on the signature, but to work hard from the deep and internal aspects. The real deep anti-counterfeiting method is to improve the writing skills and artistic level of the signature and express its unique personality. The above analysis should be detailed enough. See more practical personalized signatures: