2. The concept of e-commerce law: E-commerce law refers to the general name of legal norms regulating social relations arising from e-commerce activities, and it is a new comprehensive legal field. Laws and regulations related to international e-commerce include: legal value report of computer records, model law of electronic fund transmission, model law of e-commerce, implementation guide of model law of e-commerce, uniform rules of electronic signature, etc.
E-commerce law refers to the general name of legal norms that regulate the establishment, change and elimination of property relations and personal relations between equal subjects through electronic behavior. This concept has the following characteristics: first, the e-commerce law regulates property relations and personal relations. Second, the e-commerce law regulates the property relations and personal relations between equal subjects. Third, the e-commerce law regulates civil and commercial activities carried out through electronic acts, so civil and commercial activities not carried out through electronic acts do not belong to the scope of e-commerce law.