The ABC ASCII encoding format file CFG configuration file contains system equipment and environment information.
ACM Audio Compression Management Driver CGM Paint Shop Pro Image File
ACT document wizard CHK file composed of lost clusters recovered by CHKDSK/F command.
ADF system management configuration CLP clipboard file
AIF sound format file CMD command file
AIO is a CNF configuration file format file converted from APL file, which contains relevant information of equipment configuration.
ANI animation mouse cursor CNT help content
Workspace format file COB COBOL language source program file
APP application file COM DOS command file
ARC compressed file CPI code character set information file
Application of ARJ compressed file CPL control panel
Art image file CPP C/C++ program source file
ASC ASC text file CPT Macintosh Compact Pro file library
ASM MASM assembly language source program file CRD window card
AU sound file CRF cross-assembly file, program list generated by MASM compiler.
AVI Windows video file CRT internet security certificate
AWD fax browse file CSV command split data
AWP fax key browser CTL control file
AWS Fax Signature Browser Cursor Mouse Cursor Resource File
Bad error file cuts professional image file of paint shop.
BAK backup file DAT data file contains a batch of data to be processed or generated in the program.
The source program file dbdbbase or FoxBASE configuration file of BAS BASIC language contains the parameters of the running environment.
BAT DOS batch file DBC database
Database index of BCM works communication file DBF FoxBASE or FoxPro
Bdworks database file DBS database
DBT memo file in BFC briefcase
BIN binary file DCT dictionary file
BMP window bitmap file DCX fax browse file or database index
C C language source program file DDI compressed file
CAB WINDOWS installer DEF schema definition file
Calling WINDOWS calendar file according to Internet security certificate
CDA CD audio track file DEV device driver file, which contains the parameters needed when installing new devices.
CDR Paint Shop Pro image file DGS device diagnosis file
Pdb extended browser PCX graphic data file
MEM FOXBASE memory variable file PDR port driver
MIDI sequence of ICM description file
MIF MIDI instrument PFM printer glyph combination file
MIV MCC Microsoft network PFO FORTRAN precompiled file shortcut.
MLV movie clip PGM sample or demo file
MMF Microsoft mail picture data file
MMM animation PIF program information file
MNF's existing MSN search PIX graphic data file
MNT menu remarks PJT project remarks
MNU menu data file, which contains PJX items about menu definition.
MNX form POT POWERPOINT template
MOV movie clip PPD POSTSCRIPT printer description
MPA motion graphics compression format file PPT picture file
MPD driver PRG FOXBASE or FOXPRO process or program file.
MPE Motion Graphics Compression Format File PRJ Design Data File
MPG motion graphics compression format file PRN print format file
PRO description file of menu program generated by MPR
MPV media clip PRT printer format
The menu program PS compiled by MPX is used for POSTSCRIPT files.
MSG information file PST MICROSOFT mail
Public key file used to publish communication in MSN MICROSOFT network center.
MSP WINDOWS brush image PWL password list
Navigating MSN application PX original index file
Backup set of NDX DBASE or FOXBASE index data file of QIC Microsoft program.
Query program generated by NED MSN application QPR
NET network configuration file QPX editing query program
NIS natural language service driver QT movie clip
NWS internet news RAS paint shop professional image file
ObdoOffice binder RAW Paint Shop Pro image file
OBJ object code file RBK WINDOWS device configuration backup file
OBT office binder template RC resource file
OBZ office binder guide RCF Richwin art Chinese character manufacturer
OCX OLE uses the recover command to control the files recovered by REC.
OFN other office document registration application registrar
The external C language target file refers to the descriptive text file.
OVD overlay file report file
OVL overlay file RLE compressed format file
OVR overlay file RMI MIDI sequence
PAB MICROSOFT mail RPF report body format file
PAS PASCAL language source program file RPT report generation file
PBK NBN phone book RTF text format file
PBM paint shop professional image file SAV copy file
PC C language precompiled file SCP dial-up network script
VBX Visual Basic control file
SCT Form Remarks VCT Visual Class Library Remarks
SCX form VCX visual class library
SEA MACINTOSH optional archive file VER version description
SEC encrypted file VEW report view file
Set the settings file for virus-infected files VIR backup files.
SHB points to a file shortcut VUE FoxPro 2. X view.
SHL batch command file VXD virtual installation driver
SHS fragment object WAV sound file
SIT compressed file WBK WORD backup document
SLT setting file WCM factory communication file
SND sound format file WDB works database file
SPD POSTSCRIPT Printer Description WHT NetMeeting Whiteboard Document
SPL background file WIN window file
Screen program wizard generated by SPR Word wizard
SPT super star graphic layout file WLL Word add-in
Document conversion of screen program WPC wordpad after SPX compilation
SQL SQL *PLUS command file WPS word processing system WPS file.
SWP virtual memory swap file WRI Windows writer document
SYM Symbol Debugging Definition File WRL Virtual Reality Model Language Object
System control file XAB Microsoft mail address book
TAR UNIX merge file XBM graphic format file
TBK remarks back up XLA Excel add-ins.
TBL dictionary file XLB Excel worksheet
TGZ:XLC Excel file chart, first merged and then compressed.
TIF graphic image file XLD Excel dialog box
TMP temporary file XLK Excel backup file
TRN translation file XLM Excel macro file
TQT compressed file XLS Excel worksheet
TSP telephone service provider XLT Excel template
TTC TrueType compound file XLV Excel VBA template
TTF True Type font file XLW Excel worksheet
TXT text file XSL hierarchical file
ULS user location service ZIP file compressed by PKZIP
The URL Internet shortcut ZOO is a file format for conversion on an interactive platform.
Header file of professional image file H C compiled by DIB paint shop
DIC dictionary file HDX Macintosh BinHex file
DIF changes backup settings directory file hexadecimal data file
Directory file HGL paint shop professional image file
DLL WINDOWS dynamic link library file HIS history file
DMP Oracle binary format backup file HLP graphics help file
User text file HPJ help project file
Document file HPP C/C++ header file
File HyperTerminal file
Internet hypertext markup language
DOX user text file ICC image color matching description file
DRV device driver file ICO icon file
DRW paint shop professional image file IDE Borland C++ project file
DSN ODBC database file IDF MIDI musical instrument file
IDX index data file exported through dial-up network
DWG AUTOCAD graphic file IMD coding dictionary file
DXF paint shop professional image file IME input method file
EML internet e-mail IMG disk image file
EPS compressed appendix file INC contains files.
ERR error log file INF installation information
EXC text file INI initialization parameter file
Executable file INP SQL *FORMS text file
FKY macro INS internet communication settings file
FLL FOXPRO dynamic link library ISP network communication setting file
FMT dBASE or FoxBase screen format file or log file
Search results are saved as FND JPE JPEG image format files.
FNT font data file JPG static graphics compression format file
KBD keyboard layout of FON font data file
FORTRAN source program file key plus key file
FOT shortcut key of font LBL dBASE tag format file
Notes on LBT tag of foxfoxbase compilation target file
FPT table remarks LBX label
The FRM report format file or SQL*FORMS binary file of LGO window logo.
FRT reports backing up LHA compressed files with LHARC.
FRX report repository file
FUL full backup setting directory file LNK static shortcut key
Fun Function Menu File Log Log File
LST list file of FXP Visual FoxPro 3.0 compiler
GEM Paint Shox Pro image file LZH compressed by LHARC
GIF graphic interchange file MAC macro definition file
GR3 Windows 3。 X-screen catcher maps image files.
GRA graphic data file MB code table file
GRP Microsoft program group MCC shortcut to Microsoft network
GZ file MCI MCI command set is packaged with GNZ ZIP.
What is a file name suffix
Speaking of the file name under the Windows work interface, it is simply arbitrary, such as the work plan of an editorial department in 2000. The file name can be directly expressed in Chinese, with a maximum length of 256 characters, which makes people look really clear at a glance. However, in the Windows environment, there are many file names like CALENDAR.EXE and Game. GRP etc. are in the installed software. Why? It turns out that these file names are based on the naming rules of file names in DOS environment.
File name in DOS environment
Under DOS, the file name adopts 8+3 structure, that is, the longest 8 digits in the file name are separated by decimal points, and then the longest 3-digit suffix, such as READ, is added. Me and SETUP.EXE. Chinese characters are generally not allowed in the file name, which can only be composed of letters, numbers and some symbols. For example, reading. ME is understood as "read me" in Chinese, which means prompting users to read the contents of the file before using the software to get more prompt information. More importantly, DOS stipulates the use of suffixes to distinguish different files.
Executable files are the most easily encountered under DOS, and there are two suffixes: *. Exe and *. Com (where * stands for any file name) is a program written in assembly language or other high-level languages and a file that runs directly under DOS. Sometimes, due to many software functions and small memory, it is impossible to transfer all of them into memory at one time. There may be an ovl file with the same name, such as ws.exe, ws.ovl, and another file can be directly run. Bat, a batch file, contains the names of many commands or executable files, which are mainly used to improve work efficiency. The most useful file is Autoexec.bat, which will be automatically executed after opening (automatic execution is English automatic execution). Another file that can be loaded but not directly run is the system extension management file *. Sys (system) mainly provides drivers for some nonstandard devices such as mouse, extended memory, etc. For unified management, a text file of config.sys is specially designated, and these necessary device drivers are automatically loaded at startup. Once these files are deleted or renamed by mistake or attacked by viruses, the system will work abnormally directly.
Files generated by word processing in DOS can be generated without suffix, but people often use *. Txt to represent it (txt is text). Supported by all platforms and all applications. For the convenience of management, people can also use their own names as suffixes to indicate that they have created their own text files. For example, many articles I input are *.mcj. In order to facilitate users to restore the original files as soon as possible in the case of deleting the original files by mistake, many word processing systems provide automatic backup functions. For example, when I edited Ji Hua. The second MCJ (Plan Hanyu Pinyin), the system will first copy an original file as a plan. When using word processing software with special format functions, such as WPS introduced by Mr. Qiu Bojun in his early years, its suffix will be designated as. WPS to identify the text file generated by wps. When editing high-level language programs with word processing software, the suffix is usually the first three letters of the corresponding language (for example, *). BAS is the source program of BASIC language. PAS is a PASCAL language program. FOR is a Fortran language program. C is a C language program, and *. ASM is an assembly language program).
The following types of files are usually attached to executable files: *. HLP is a help file. CFG is the configuration file. DAT is a data file. LOG is a log file, and *. TMP is a temporary file.
File name in Windows environment
Most DOS file name suffixes continue to be valid under Windows, but Windows itself has also led to many brand-new suffixes. For example, *. Drv is a device driver. Fon and *. Fot is a font file. Grp is a group file. Ini is an initialization information file. Pif is the file format required for executable files in DOS environment to execute under Windows and *. Crd is a card file. . Rec stands for record macro file, *. Wri means text file, which was generated by write.exe Word Processing Company. Doc and *. Rtf is also a text file, which is generated by word. Cal stands for calendar file. Clp represents the file format in the clipboard. Htm and *. Html means home page file.
Image file name suffix
After entering the multimedia world, you will see all kinds of wonderful pictures and find many suffixes. Indeed, due to the self-made standards of various companies when developing graphics-related software, there are too many graphics formats today. The following are common formats: 1. Bitmap file format is an image composed of a group of points (pixels), which is generated by an image program or created when scanning an image. There are mainly Windows bitmaps (. BMP): Developed by Microsoft, supported by Windows and Windows NT platforms and many applications. Resource file format supporting 32-bit color is used to create icons for Windows interface. CUR,。 DLL,。 EXE: resource file format, used to create cursor for Windows interface. OS/2 bitmap (. BMP): bitmap file format development BMP): Microsoft and IBM. It is supported by various operating systems and applications. Supports compression, and the maximum image pixel is 64000×64000. Brush (. PCX): Introduced by Zsoft Company, it also compresses image data, which can be generated by PCX. Window brush. Support 24-bit color, and the maximum image pixel is 64000×64000. Support compression. Graphic interchange format:
Graphic interchange format. GIF): Created by Compusurve, it can support pictures of any size, save storage space by compression, and can store multiple pictures in one file. Support 256 colors, and the maximum image pixel is 64000×64000.
Kodak photo CD (. PCD): Bitmap file format developed by Eastman Kodak and supported by all platforms. PCD supports 24-bit color, and the maximum image pixel is 2048×3072, which is used to save photos on CD.
Adobe Photoshop(。 PSD): The bitmap file format of Adobe Photoshop is supported by Macintosh and MS Windows platforms. The maximum image pixel is 30000×30000, which supports compression and is widely used in commercial art.
Macintosh painting (. MAC): Bitmap file format developed by Apple. Macintosh platform supports only monochrome original images, and the maximum image pixel is 576×720. Support compression, mainly used to save black and white graphics and clip art in Macintosh graphics applications.
Postscript name of animation file
The animation file format is used to save the graphic information contained in the animation frame. Mainly includes: Autodesk FLC (. FLC): That is. FLI, Autodesk Animator and AnimatorPro animation file formats. Support 256 colors, the maximum image pixel is 64000×64000, and support compression. It is widely used in animation sequence, computer aided design and animation graphics application in computer games. Image animation that is not suitable for the real world.
MacPICTS(。 PCS,。 Pic):Macintosh applications use the animation file format developed by Macromedia. Support for 256 colors, support for compression, used to save animation data, is the predecessor of Quick Time.
Microsoft resource exchange file format. Avd): an animation file format developed by Microsoft and used by both Windows and Windows.
Supported by NT platform and OS/2 multimedia applications, it supports 256 colors and compression, and is used to save audio, video and graphic information in multimedia applications.
MPEG(。 MPEG: An animation file format developed by the moving picture expert group of the International Organization for Standardization. Through all platforms and Xing technology
Applications such as MPEG players support compression, and the maximum image pixel is 4095×4094×30 frames per second. Used to encode audio, video, text and graphic data.
Quicktime(。 Qtm): An animation file format developed by Apple Computer Company. Apple Macintosh and Microsoft
Supported by Windows platform, it supports 25-bit color, and the maximum image pixel is 64,000× 64,000. It supports compression and is used to save audio and motion video information.
Suffix name of sound file
Sound file format is used to save digital audio information. They mainly include:
AIFF(。 AIF): This is a sound file format developed by Apple Computer Company and supported by Macintosh platforms and applications. Support compression.
Amiga sound (. SVX): The sound file format developed by Commodore is supported by the Amiga platform and application, and does not support compression.
MAC sound (. Snd): The sound file format developed by Apple Computer Company supports Macintosh platform and various Macintosh applications, and supports partial compression.
MIDI(。 MID): A sound file format developed by MIDI International Association, supported by Windows platform and many applications, is used to create digital sounds for musical instruments.
Sound blaster (. Voc): A sound file format developed by Creative Labs, which is supported by Windows and DOS platforms and supports compression.
Wave (. Wav): A resource format used by Microsoft to save audio information on the Windows platform. Suffix name of compressed file
In order to improve storage efficiency, many companies have introduced data compression methods and corresponding software. The use of such files is mainly carried out through package compression and unpacking software. The main suffixes are: *. Zipper, *. arj,*。 rar,*。 Lzh and *.jar. There are also some special compressed files, such as *. ex_,*。 dl_,*.d3_,*。 Taxi, etc.
The suffix name of the database class file.
In the environment of Dbase, FoxBase and Foxpro series software, there are the following suffixes:
. Dbf database file). Prg command file (i.e. program).
. Fxp compiler. Scx and. Sct screen file
. Fpt memo field file. Frx and. Frt report file
. Cbx and. Pjt label file. Mnx and. Mnt menu file.
. Pjx and. Engineering documents. Application file
. Cdx and. Idx index file. Qpr and. SQL query file.
. Fp configuration file. Ap generation application
. Err compilation error file. Male memory application
. Fky key macro file. Win window file
. Pcb library file temporary file
. Tbk temporary database file
File types that can be safely deleted
Temporary document: *. tmp,*。 Sydney. $ $,*.@ @, *._ MP,*。 GID,*。 ~ *, *.GTS。
Backup file: *. bak,*。 Old, *. wbk,*。 xlk,*。 ckr_
Help file: *. hlp,*。 chm,*。 Cnt postscript
Users should pay attention to the different conventions of suffix names under different operating systems. For example, under Unix, *. P stands for Pascal language program. Z stands for compressed file, and * stands for compressed file. Tar stands for archive file. In addition, for extremely special equipment, its driver will also have a special suffix. For example, the driver of 3DS graphics card is *.exp, and some companies have specified the file name suffix for their products. For example, Founder's image typesetting file specifies *. Grh (also known as Graph)
The suffix of a file name represents a certain type of file, which is usually generated and processed by some software. Only when you have a certain understanding of these suffixes can you know why in the process of getting on the computer. Here, I show you some common suffix types. In fact, there are many kinds and it is impossible to finish them all. As the saying goes, the master leads the door and the practice is in the individual. In the future, everyone will turn around and witness it in the computer world.
Universal file suffix
. Automatic circuit analyzer
Role documents used by Microsoft agents
. Advancedcommunicationsfunction
System management configuration
. (= Association for Computing Machinery) American Computer Society
Audio compression management driver, providing coding and decoding functions of various sound formats for Windows system.
. aif
Sound file, supports compression, and can be played through Windows Media Player and QuickTime Player.
Audio file, played by Windows Media Player.
Audio file, played by Windows Media Player.
Audio file, played by Windows Media Player.
. Rhinoceros cuckoo
Animated cursor file extension, such as animated hourglass. . American National Standards (abbreviation for American national standards)
ASCII character graphic animation file
. arc
An earlier compressed file can be opened with WinZip, WinRAR, PKARC and other software.
. arj
Compress files. You can use WinZip, WinRAR, PKARC and other software to open it.
. asf
Microsoft's media player supports video streaming, which can be played through Windows Media Player.
. white poplar
Microsoft's video streaming files can be opened with Windows Media Player.
. white poplar
Active Server Page proposed by Microsoft is a server-side script, which is often used for large-scale website development and supports database connection, similar to PHP. It can be written in Visual InterDev, which is a hot topic at present.
. Symbol of asparagine
Shortcuts to Windows Media media files. Arbitrary Unit
It is a common sound file format on the Internet, which is mostly created by Sun Workstation and can be played by using the software Waveform Hold and Modify. LiveAudio in Netscape Navigator can also be played. Au file.
. avi
A Windows multimedia file format using Microsoft RIFF specification, which is used to store sound and animation.
. bak
A backup file is usually an auxiliary file created automatically or through a command, containing the latest version of the file and having the same file name as the file.
. stop
Basic language source program files can be compiled into executable files. At present, the system is developed by Visual Basic.
. bat
Batch file, under MS-DOS Bat file is an executable file, which consists of a series of commands, which can include calls to other programs. bbs。
Bulletin board system system article information file
. bfc
Briefcase file for Windows
. chest
A binary file whose purpose depends on the system or application.
. Extension of bitmap file
Bitmap Bitmap file is the format of Paint developed by Microsoft. It can be supported by various Windows and Windows NT platforms and many applications, and supports 32-bit colors. It is a resource file format for creating icons for Windows interfaces.
. c
C language source program files, compiled and used under the C language compiler.
. cab
The compressed package format developed by Microsoft is often used in software installation programs. Using the utility that comes with Windows, Extract.exe can decompress it. WinZip, WinRAR and so on all support this format.
. therm
Calendar file in Windows
. Cumulative Distribution Function (short for cumulative distribution function)
Channel file of Internet Explorer
. A vector graphic editing software developed by Canadian company
A graphic file format in CorelDraw that can be used in all CorelDraw applications.
. cdx
Index files exist in the software environment of dbase, FoxBase and FoxPro systems.
. Constant frequency generator (short for constant frequency generator)
Configuration file, a file used by a system or application software to configure its own functions and characteristics
. chm
Compiled HTML files are often used to make help files and electronic documents.
. China light and power company ltd China lighting and power company.
File format in clipboard under Windows
. Coal mine management bureau
The batch file used in Windows NT/2000 actually has the same function as the BAT file, but it is different from the BAT file under DOS/Windows 9x.
. cmf
Sound card standard music files, FM synthesizer and so on can be played back.
. cnf
Network conference connection file
. (cannot) can't
The online help file directory index file is usually saved in. Hlp file with the same name.
. pass
A palette file format created by Autodesk Animator, Autodesk Animator Por and other programs, which stores RGB values of each item in the palette.
. com
DOS executable command file, generally less than 64KB.
. polariscope
Control panel extension file used by Windows operating system.
. Card Print Processor (abbreviation for card print processor)
C++ language source program, a very powerful language, has corresponding development systems on various platforms.
. crd
Card file in Windows
. Cathode ray tube
Safety certification document.
. scoundrel
The cursor resource file format under Windows can be edited by cursor editing software.
. Rigid cast iron
Text /css file
. Digital audio tape)?DOS file name data file
Data files used in applications
. Digital audio tape)?DOS file name data file
Video and audio files in VCD can be called by VCD playback software or played by VCD player.
. dbf
Database files, database files generated by database processing systems such as Foxbase, Dbase and Visual FoxPro.
. dcx
Fax browse document file
. Zhirui consulting company
Image files, DUP, HD, IMG and other tools can be extended.
. deviation
device driver
. Gently pull the bait up and down on the water.
Device independent bitmap file, which is a file format. Its purpose is to ensure that bitmap graphics created by one application can be loaded or displayed by other applications.
. catalogue
directory file
Windows dynamic link libraries are almost everywhere, but sometimes conflicts between different versions of DLLs will cause various problems.
. document
It is a document created by Word, the word processing software in Microsoft Office with the highest market share at present.
. disc operating system (DOS)
Windows reserved MS-DOS system files
. point
The document template file of Microsoft Word can simplify the creation of some commonly used documents through templates, and can be embedded into VBA programs to realize some automation functions.
. drv
Device driver files used in various systems.
. blueprint
AutoCAD drawing file is also a format supported by many drawing software, and is often used to share data.
. dxb
Chinese graphic file format created by AutoCAD. dxf
Graphic interchange format is a computer-aided design file format, which was originally developed for use with AutoCAD to transfer graphic files between applications. It stores graphics in ASCII mode and represents the size of graphics very accurately.
. Draw out (short for derivative)
a certification document
. Density Indicating Controller (abbreviation for density indicating controller)
Txt file
. electromotive force (EMF)
Windows 32-bit extended metafile format developed by Microsoft