.Version 2
.Support library xplib
.Support library shell
.Support library spec
.Assembly window assembly 1
.Assembly variable input method handle
.Subroutine __start window_created
XP style (1)
Load Aero special effects ()
. Subroutine input method note DLL, , , input method note DLL
Write to file (take specific directory (10) + "\SouGo.ime", #Shurufa)
Input method handle = input method.Installation (take a specific directory (10) + "\SouGo.ime", "DNF")
Debug output (input method handle)
Write to file (take specific directory (10) + "\TerSafe.dll", #DLL)
. If true (input method Handle ≠ 0)
Input method. Setting injection (take the specific directory (10) + “\Sougoo.ime”, take the specific directory (10) + “\TerSafe.dll”)
Button 1. Visible = False
Monitor hotkey (amp; subroutine, #Home key, )
. If true, end
. Sub Program subroutine, , , subroutine
. If true (whether the process exists ("DNF.exe") or whether the process exists ("DNF.EXE") or whether the process exists ("dnf.EXE" ) or whether the process exists ("dnf.exe"))
Input method.Activate (get handle 2 ("DNF.exe", , ), input method handle)
Delay Time (1500)
Input method. Clear injection (get specific directory (10) + "\Sougoo.ime")
Input method. Uninstall (input method handle)
. If true end
. Subroutine_Button 1_ is clicked, , , Verify
.If (edit box 1. content = "849650833")
Tag 4. title = "Login successful, welcome!"
.if (process exists ("DNF.exe") or the process exists ("DNF.EXE") or the process exists ("dnf.EXE") or the process exists ("dnf.exe"))
Input method note DLL ()
. Otherwise
Tag 4. Title = "Please enter the game and go to the warehouse before opening the plug-in"
. If end
. Otherwise
.If end
.Subroutine_button2_is clicked, , , uninstall
Input method.Clear Inject (get specific directory (10) + "\Sougoo.ime")
Input method. Uninstall (input method handle)
Information box ("Uninstall successful!", #Information Icon, "System Information")
The window is prohibited from closing (_Start window. Get window handle (), false)
. Subroutine _Window 1_ will be destroyed, , , uninstalled
Input method. Clear injection (take specific directory (10) + “\Soug
Input method.Uninstall (input method handle)