The text displayed in "Device Manager" is:
The device cannot start.(Code 10)
Try updating the device drivers for this device.
Chinese meaning: The device cannot be started. (Code 10)
Please update the device drivers for this device.
"Solution Solution button: Update Driver (launches the Update Driver wizard)
This error message is one of the most common error messages. The most common cause of this error message is a corrupt or incompatible device driver.
Troubleshooting If this error message is caused by a corrupted device driver, it is usually because a specific subdriver in the driver stack does not follow IRP_MN_START_DEVICE. Determining which driver in the stack has the problem can be difficult. This may occur if a driver in the driver stack is broken or invalid for this device. If a device is enumerated, a descriptor contained in its configuration memory space defines the list of compatible devices that are available if a specific device driver for that device is not available. This error message may appear if Windows 2000 loads a compatible device driver but is insufficient to drive the device. In this case, the prompt for the device driver does not appear. Contact the manufacturer of the device to obtain a digitally signed device driver for Windows 2000 for the device. Use the Update Driver button to run the Update Driver wizard, but do not let Windows 2000 automatically detect the device. You should click Have Disk when prompted and then manually point the wizard to the appropriate driver. This error code may appear if the device attempts to use one of the Windows 2000 class drivers, but the class driver is unable to drive the device. This may occur if you are prompted to install a device driver but no driver is available, and therefore the installation is skipped. You can resolve this issue using the method described in the previous item. Please try another piece of similar equipment to check if the hardware is damaged.
For the device manager, the error codes generated are as follows
Code 10 (code 10)
< p>If there is a "FailReasonString" value in the device's hardware registry key, the string is displayed as the error message. The driver or enumerator places this registry string value there. If there is no "FailReasonString" value in the hardware registry key, the following general error message is displayed:This device is either not present, not working properly, or does not have all the drivers installed.(Code 10 )
Try upgrading the device drivers for this device.
Resolution button: Update driver
To resolve this error code, make sure that this device is properly connected to the computer. For example, make sure all cables are fully inserted and all adapter cards are properly seated. Follow the recommended solution buttons and update device drivers. You may be able to remove the device and then re-detect the device using the Add New Hardware wizard.