In the past two days, everyone must have discovered that some friends have unique personality signatures of their dog babies.
There are pictures of PP and you can click to enter your home. In this way, members can use such signature files on Goubaobao, and can also quote such signature files on other websites, so that your home is yours. There will be many people coming to visit! !
These are the personalized signatures just developed by Dog Baby for each different member!
Hey, PP! !
Then I will give you a lesson on how to create such personal information. First click to enter this page.
Second, there is a "Super Personalized Signature" under the personal signature in the community profile. Click "I want to customize" and you will enter the page for customizing the super personalized signature, as shown below:
Super "personalized signature"
Look at the picture above
Third, when uploading pictures, click "Browse" and a dialog box for uploading pictures will appear. Select the image you want to upload on your computer and open it;
Fourth, among the four templates above, click on the circle in front of one of the templates you like to select;
Fifth, after completing the above two operations, you can preview it to see if it is successful, and then click OK.
Sixth, after confirmation, the system will prompt you to congratulate you. , your signature image has been customized successfully!!!
Seventh, replace the original personal signature and click the "Replace with Forum Signature File" button, so that your original signature file is successfully replaced
Note: This signature file can also be referenced on other websites. The method is very simple.
You only need to copy the code of the personalized signature in Gou Baobao (you can get it by entering my profile) And put it into the signature file of other websites, it will have the same effect.
You can click on the PP picture to enter your home, so that many people will visit your home. Oh!
Hehe, kill two birds with one stone
Detailed enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!