2. From the point of view of evidence, the scanned document is a picture, which exists in the form of a copy and can be tampered with technically. Therefore, the proof function of the scanned document itself is very low. Unless the other party approves the scanned document, it is necessary to provide other relevant evidence to support it, forming a chain of evidence. The scanned document can be used as the final evidence and has high probative effect. A scanned copy is equivalent to a photocopy, and it is difficult to get court support by going to court alone.
According to Article 469 of the Civil Law, both parties can conclude a contract in writing, orally or in other forms.
Written form refers to contracts, letters, telegrams, telexes, faxes and other forms that can tangibly express the contents contained.
A data message that can tangibly express its content through electronic data interchange, e-mail, etc. , and can be retrieved at any time, are considered in writing.