When using a credit card, you need to add a security protection device to the credit card. The "signature + password" consumption verification method is this security protection device, which is a way for the bank to confirm the cardholder's identity when making purchases. At present, there are two main types of consumption verification methods: "signature" and "signature + password". Cardholders can choose any verification method
1. Signature + password verification
The advantage of "signature + password" verification is that it is more secure than using a signature alone. Once the credit card is lost, the risk of being swiped is very small. The disadvantage is that once the credit card is stolen, the consumer will bear full responsibility, and the bank will no longer be liable for compensation.
2. Signature
The advantage of using only signature verification is that the merchant is responsible for verifying the signature, and the bank is also responsible for compensation if the credit card is stolen. Therefore, once the credit card is stolen, consumption The user can obtain compensation from the bank or merchant. At the same time, because no password is required, consumers also save themselves the trouble of forgetting the password and being unable to consume. The disadvantage is that because my country's signature verification technology is not yet perfect, the risk of credit card being stolen is very high.
When using a credit card, signature and password are common in China and are also a safer method. Just using a password would be a little less secure.