For consumers, although credit cards have passwords, the risk of password leakage increases with the increase of credit card usage times. After the credit card and password are lost, checking the signature behind the credit card becomes the last barrier to protect the cardholder's credit card security.
In the process of checking the signature, the cashier finds that the signature does not match the signature on the credit card, and has the right to cancel the consumption and refuse to sell the goods, thus avoiding the loss of the owner to a certain extent.
Bankers remind cardholders that when handling credit cards, they should sign a more personalized name, and it is best to sign a signature that is difficult to imitate. At the same time, consumers should not set their passwords to easy-to-test numbers such as birthdays.
In addition, it is necessary to develop the habit of saving transaction documents to facilitate reconciliation and provide bank investigations when problems arise. You'd better remember the phone number of the bank. If you find the card lost or stolen, report the loss by phone immediately.