Hello, Guan Gong, riding thousands of miles alone with a knife on his back. It means the road is long and rugged. Guan Gong is holding a treasure knife. Whenever Guan Gong picks up the nod, it is unparalleled. Weaver girl means to see the cowherd, which means to get what you want. The Weaver Girl crosses the Milky Way, and the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet once a year. To meet at the Magpie Bridge means that it takes time and needs the help of noble people.
If you want to be the only moon in the sky, you have to save a lot of money and carry it on the turbulent eastern slope around you. If you want to make a difference in your studies, you must go through a period of tempering and help each other to achieve great things. I hope my answer can help you, and I hope it will be adopted.