1 normative reference document
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated reference documents, only dated version is applicable to this document. For undated reference documents, the latest version (including all revisions) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 1889420 16 specification for electronic file archiving and electronic file management.
DA/T 22-20 15 declaration rules
DA/T 70-20 18 general requirements for electronic document detection.
Provisions on the filing scope of government documents and materials and the storage period of documents and files (Order No.8 of the State Archives Bureau)
2 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
3. 1 electronic document
Official documents stored in digital form in disks, optical disks and other media can be read and processed by computer systems and transmitted on communication networks. [GB/T33476.1-2016, definition 3. 1]
3.2 Electronic records of electronic documents
3.3 filing
The process of collecting, sorting out and handing over electronic official documents and related materials with preservation value to the archives department.
3.4 Metadata
Data describing the content, background, structure and management process of electronic files or electronic documents.
Note: rewrite GB/T 18894 20 16, and define 3.3.
3.5 Digital Object Digital Object
An object presented by a computer, such as a file generated by a specific system or software application.
Note: rewritten as GB/T 34840.2-20 17. Definition 3. 1 1.
3.6 content data content data
Digital objects contained in electronic documents or electronic files
Note: Rewrite ISO14721; 20 12, definition 1.7.2