I asked the secretary of Tencent musician to send me an email to the mailbox off the shelf, and that person said that he would sign it, saying that I would bear the compensation for Tencent's losses.
I asked the secretary of Tencent musician to send me an email to the mailbox off the shelf, and that person said that he would sign it, saying that I would bear the compensation for Tencent's losses. I dare not sign it. I would like to ask whether it will cause losses to Tencent after being removed from the shelves.
Hello, because this is a piece of music created by you personally. For this, it will have little impact on the company after she is taken off the shelf, but it will cause some losses, and the loss is the loss of traffic. But for these losses, as long as you put it back on the shelves, you can still search your music through Tencent related channels, and the losses caused by it have basically been offset, so you don't need to bear this compensation.