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prepared Chinese ink
English [? K] beauty [? k]
Ink, ink; Ink (secreted by squid)
Ink (used for printing, signing contracts, etc. ); Sign one's name (on); Paint ink
Past tense: inking past participle: inking present participle: inking third person singular: inking
Derivative word: inker
Bilingual example
1. Ink particles attach to bubbles and rise to the surface.
Ink particles attach to bubbles and float to the surface.
Collins' example
2. She dipped her quill pen in ink and began to write.
She dipped the quill pen in ink and began to write.
Collins' example
3. The ink has flowed on the wet paper.
The ink soaked the wet paper.
Collins' example
4. A drop of ink
A drop of ink
From an authoritative dictionary
5. Written in ink
Written in ink
From an authoritative dictionary