The club number of the season scored in the national league ranking in 27, Oslo Wallenga 17 2 Norway 1 7 26, Oslo Wallenga 19 3 Norway 1 3 25 Oslo Wallenga 23 1 Norway 1 1 24/ 5 Newcastle 25 3 England 1 14 23/4 Aston Villa 27 18 1 England 1 6 22/3 Aston Villa 27 26 England 1 16 21/ 2 Manchester United 5 1 1 England 1 3 2/1 Manchester United 5 11 1 England 1 1 1999/ Manchester United 5 3 England 1 1 1998/99 Manchester United 5 22 3 England 1 1 1997/ 98 Manchester United 5 22 2 England 1 2 1996/97 Manchester United 19 31 England 1 1 1995/ 96 Besiktas 22 1 Turkey 1 3 1995 lillestrom 13 1 Norway 1 4 1994 lillestrom 1 3 Norway 1 2 1993 Oslo Lightning 19 6 Norway 1 11 1992 Oslo Lightning 12 1 Norway 1 5 1. 991 Tonsberg Ek 25 6 199 Tonsberg Ek 27 9 1989 Tonsberg Ek 16 7 1988 Tonsberg Ek 15 2 1987 Tonsberg Ek 15 .