How to express the date correctly in English?
The date expression in English is very different from that in Chinese.
In our Chinese, it means June 1 day, 2020, and we finish it in the order from big to small, year, month and day. Next, I want to talk about the subtle differences between American date expressions and British date expressions.
Americans: month, day and year; Britain: day, month and year.
For example: American expression: June 2020 1 day.
British expression: June 2020 1 day.
Although there are some differences in month and date, the reasons behind them are all based on thinking from childhood to adulthood.
In addition, the pronunciation (the)10 June (of)1994. The and can be expressed in writing without writing, but it must be read when pronouncing.
In addition, there are two ways to pronounce the year.
(1) For example, 1998, the four groups of numbers are divided into two groups, and the two groups are taken as a whole. The pronunciation of 19+98.
(2) For example, 200 1 is pronounced as 2001.
Of course, these two expressions should also be used in different occasions. For example, 200 1 can't say 20 and 1. In this case, only the second pronunciation can be used.
It is not easy to express the date accurately and fluently. It is not enough to know the expression, but also to master the knowledge of month, ordinal number and year.
Let's review, the difference between Chinese and English date expression is the different way of expressing thinking; English dates should use ordinal numbers; The pronunciation of the year also needs to be used flexibly.