General Keyboard Keys for CSGO National Service (default)
Move forward: w
Move backwards: s
Move (translate) to the left: a
Move (translate) to the right: d
Walking: shifting gears
Jump: space
Squat: CTRL
Loading ammunition: r
Last weapon used: Q.
Discard weapons: g
Use (install C4 and remove C4): e
Test weapon: F.
Command radio message: z
Standard radio information: x
Reporting radio information: c
Team message (self): u
Chat message (all): y
Graffiti: t
Use microphone: k
Purchase menu: b
Automatic purchase: F3
Re-purchase: F4
Scoreboard: tabs
Select team: m
Console: ~
Main weapon: 1
Server: 2
Dagger: 3
Switch grenades: 4
Bombs: 5
High explosive grenades: 6.
Flash bomb: 7
Smoke bombs: 8
Bait Grenade: 9
Combustion bottle: 0
Common mouse buttons (default)
Fire: MOUSE 1- left mouse button
Second fire: right mouse button
Select the previous weapon: MWHEELUP- mouse wheel up.
Select the next weapon: MWHEELDOWN- mouse wheel down.
Attachment: csgo default key position