Depp's English: Depp
Bilingual example:
A new movie starring Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder .
American actor Johnny Depp (Johhny?Depp) First visit to China. He said Monday that he would consider moving here because of the extremely passionate fans.
In?his?first?trip?to?China,?actor?Johnny?Depp?said?Monday?he'd?be?willing?to?consider?a?move?to?the? Middle?Kingdom, citing She collected some basic data and did the most difficult work.
We?gave?her?this?basic?idea,?and?she?did?the?heavy?lifting,?Hamilton,?a?postdoctoral?research?fellow?at?the?institute, ?told?Science?Daily.?
However, the "X-Men" was not famous enough in 2003, so the Disney crew chose Depp.
However,?back?in?2003?the?X-Men?star?wasn't?famous?enough?for?the?role,?so?the?Disney?crew?opted?for ?Depp.?
Jerry Bruckheimer (famous producer) is negotiating with Depp to arrange the return of Captain Jack Sparrow .