Translator: Leslie Cheung Zhu
? If the work can persist, it will eventually become a book. It's not published at your own expense, but your first book made by a regular publishing house and sold in a bookstore. This is a very happy thing. This will be a lifetime treasure.
? I can't forget here that I don't know how many people have worked hard to publish this book. Of course, writers work hard. The editor also worked hard for this book. However, there is more than that. The staff in the production department of the publishing house, what paper to use and what color to use for the cover, after considering these problems, work out the cost and whether each book sold is probably a loss or a profit. In the publishing house, besides editors, there are many people involved in the process of book publishing. Later, printing companies, binding companies and wholesalers distributed the finished books to all parts of the country. Although Tohan and Japanese hawkers are two famous wholesalers. Thanks to wholesalers, Weekly Youth Jump, which goes to Hokkaido in the north and Okinawa in the south every Monday, can be sold together.
? In the end, everyone's books ended up in the bookstore. Without bookstores, writers have no food, which is extremely important. Why? Because, since the book entered the bookstore, people who have never seen it or met it have paid for your book.
? How great it is to be able to hold an autograph session in the bookstore. One day in a month, there will be such a newspaper advertisement in the Jiyi National Cultural Relics Bookstore, which will hold a teacher's autograph session for you, and customers will wait in line for you with your books in their hands. This is gratitude. I can't forget the autograph session held by Mr. Kitano, Mr. Naito and me in Sendai. Before I wrote Shinjuku Shark; Mr. North's book is on sale. Although he was nominated for Naoki Award and became a candidate, he was later defeated. At that time, Mr. Naito presided over the Japanese Adventure Fiction Association. At that time, he published a book called "Will you die if you don't study?" During the instruction book. In the bookstore facing the main road in front of Sendai Station, three men sat side by side waiting for customers. Although the shopping street in front of us was crowded with people, no one came. There is really nothing we can do. The bookstore staff came in in their uniforms first, and then changed their private clothes. The same staff went back and forth three times, and finally everyone signed the book 10 one by one. During this period, the clerk also began to attract customers with loudspeakers. "An autograph session is being held now. Mr. Kitano Kenzo, candidate writer for Naoki Award, "(Didn't he lose the election? ), "The real standard bearer is Mr. Zheng Daze" ("When did your boy become a standard bearer?" The north whispered. ) "Mr. Chen Naiteng, who was on TV yesterday" ... At this moment, an aunt stopped and pattered towards me. "Great, coming!" I just picked up my pen and signed my name. "Well, excuse me, how to get to the road?" (Laughter). This is a true story. It was always like this at first.
? Customers can come to the signing ceremony. The reader who has never met before holds a book with his name on his chest and says "thank you" to himself. It is a great pleasure for writers to feel their readers here. Strangers are willing to pay 1000 yen and 2,000 yen (1000 yen is roughly 60 yuan RMB) for their books and say to you, "Please. I will continue reading ",which will turn into the courage of the writer. Although, some writers treat such readers with great attitude. However, I will try to be polite. Not only sign your name, but also write the other person's name beside it, look the other person in the eye and say a few words, then shake hands. If you want to take a photo with me, I will politely stand up and take a photo with the readers. If you have a hundred clients, do it a hundred times. If you have been to an autograph session before, you will say to him, "Are you doing it again? Thank you. " People who come for the first time will say to him, "Where are you from? Thank you very much for waiting. " If you do this, people will think, "Ah, this person feels really good. Also read the next work. " This is not flattery, but service to customers. This is what professional writers should do.
? Books are commodities. Even if it is called a "work" when an editor interacts with a writer, it becomes a "commodity" once it is placed in a bookstore. Therefore, the readers who pay for our books are customers. It is because of these people that we writers can afford the mortgage at home and the tuition for our children. In this case, no matter how polite you are to that guest, you can't go too far. Nevertheless, people who are called "teachers" by young readers but show arrogance are the most hateful as writers.
? Among the people who will queue up for autographs, there are also people who are prone to sweating and sticky hands. The more fans of this writer "Ah, it's my turn soon", the easier it is to get nervous and sweat. When I shake hands with such a guest, I feel "wow" too. However, I will never show my disgust or wipe my hands in front of each other. Even if the other person says "I'm sorry" in fear, I will shake hands and say "nothing". Because I think it's etiquette to treat customers. Walking on the road, someone will ask for signature or handshake. Even if you happen to be in a hurry sometimes, you will take a coping method that will not let the other party suffer. Because I think this is the proof of a professional writer.
Excerpt from: the writer's all-round technology, 20 12.
Works: The masterpiece Shinjuku Shark series, in which the humanoid Shinjuku Shark won the 1 10th Naoki Award.
Translator: Leslie Cheung Zhu
I translated a short passage in this book, which is purely a personal hobby for personal study. I hope you like it.
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