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Give a QQ signature about Virgo Golden Saint

1. The overall truth of the universe is impermanence, and there is no so-called complete evil or complete justice.

2? There will never be a life with only pain. Where there is suffering, there must be happiness, and vice versa... In this world, life will never stop for a moment. The same is true in human life. It is constantly changing, which is impermanence.

3. Never forget that death is by no means the last... The saints who once lived in this world have transcended the realm of death. If you can also understand this...then you are the person closest to God among humans.

4. Multi-lingual version of Shaka’s Last Words

Flowers and flowers. Stars are bright and shining, and stars are shining brightly.この地も, the sun, the Milky Way, そして大きなCosmos さえもいつかは死する时が来る. The moment in the world is better than the moment in the world.そのわずかな一时に,人はうまれ,Laughter,涙,阘い,hurtつき,Happiness,Sadness,Who hates,Who loves.すべては Instant encounter.そしてWho かも死というEternal Sleep りに包まれる


Flowers bloom, and then they fall, and the starlight shines, and I don’t know when it will go out. The earth, the sun, the galaxy, and even the entire universe will always disappear. Compared with those, human life is just a moment. In that moment, people are born, smile, cry, fight, hurt, and be happy. , sadness, who you hate, who you like, everything is an instant encounter, and no one can escape the eternal sleep of death.


The flower opens, then the flower falls, star light shine, do not know when put out. This the Earth, the sun, galaxy, even whole cosmos too the gross there will be the disappeared time, the person's life compare to is for an instant only with those, there for an instant and inside, the person bears, smiling, weeping over, fighting, hurting, gladdenning, sorrow, hate who, like who , all everythings is all a death that in a flash meet by chance, who can't succeed in escaping to die.


Die Blume blüht, dann die Blume f? llt, Sternlichtshine, wissen nicht, gesetzt out. nur mit denen, dort einen Augenblick und Innere, die Personb?ren und l?chelt und rüber weint und k?mpft, das Verletzen und gladdenning, sorge, Ha?, der, wie, wem, alle everythings alle ein Tod ist, der in einem grellen Treffen zuf?llig, das nicht folgen kann, mit zum Sterben zu entgehen.


flor florecer, entonces flor caer, estrella luz brillo, no saber cuando This tierra, sol, galaxia, incluso entero cosmos también grueso allí ser desaparecer tiempo, persona vida comparar ser por uno instant solamente con ése, allí para uno instant y interior, persona oso, sonreír, l

lorar encima, luchar, lastimar, gladdening, dolor, odio quien, como quién, todo everythings ser todo uno muerte que en uno de destello reunión por ocasión, quien poder no tener éxito en escapar para morir.

French :

La fleur fleurit, alors la fleur tombe, éclat de lumière d'étoile, ne savent pas pour le moment où misout.This la terre, le soleil, galaxie, même cosmos entier trope que le brut The most beautiful thing in the world, the most beautiful thing in the world


Il Fiore Fiorisce, allora il fiore cade, lustro della luce della stella, non sa quando messo out. It's all good, it's all good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good


A flor floresce, ent?o a flor cai, brilho da luz da estrela, n?o sabe quando posto out.This a terra, o sol, galáxia, mesmo cosmos inteiro demasiado que o bruto Lá será o tempo desaparecido, a vida da pessoa compara a realiza-se por um instant somente com aquelas, lá para um instant e um interior, os ursos da pessoa, sorrindo, weeping sobre, lutando, ferir, gladdening, sorrow, o ódio que, como quem, todos os everythings s?o todos os uma morte que em uma reuni?o flash por acaso, que n?o possa suceder em se escapar a morrer.

If you sign with QQ, this is good: Flowers bloom, and then they must wither. Life in this world never stops for a moment. Constant movement and change, this is called impermanence, and the same is true in human life.