X, x [eks] X's, X's, or xs, xs/'eksiz/ 1) The 24th letter of the English alphabet 2) Pronunciation /eks/, /ks/, /z/:X-ray, six, Xanthan3) of the letter x (or x). ) x (or X) 5) symbol indicating "twenty-fourth" 6)X mark is used for: a. mark error, position, etc. B. Sign for kissing strangers (or things) 7)8). Variable B. Symbol of multiplication: 3x3 = 9c. (representing area) times the sign of D. abscissa (abscissa), the sign of the first coordinate (10) and the sign of halogen atom (11) A. Electromagnetic reactance.
30x microscope 12) Roman numerals 10: a.x with a horizontal bar at the top10000; B. xx=20, xxx = 30C. x appears before another Roman numeral, indicating that the number 10 is smaller than that number (XC=90) 13) X-ray symbol 14) symbol15) A. Jesus Christ [also used in combination.