question 2: how to modify the text in a jpg picture? 1. Back it up first to avoid misoperation.
2. Right-click on this picture and select "Drawing" as the opening mode.
3. click the eraser tool in the tool panel to erase the previous date number.
4. Click the text tool in the tool panel, that is, "A". Click in the old place and enter a new number.
5. Save it as another name. All right.
1. If the background color is not white, you need to select the Color Picking tool after erasing, then click the background color, and then click the Color Filling tool to click the erased space, so that the colors will be uniform when nailing, and then add text.
2. If you are not skilled enough, you can practice it several times after backup before making formal changes.
3. Maybe you'll be a "master" in a small circle after proficiency!
4. This is the simplest tool.
question 3: how to modify the words on the picture and keep the picture as it is? 218 is ok ...
question 4: how to modify the words on a picture? Use ps software, open the picture, then select the box selection tool, copy the area next to it to cover the parts with words, and then enter new words. If there are the same words, you can copy them to the deleted location.
question 5: how to modify the text that has been added to the picture. After saving, the text and the picture are already a layer, and the JPG format can't be edited on the original text unless it is saved in PSD format.
question 6: How to modify the picture text by mobile phone? First, you need to download an APP for P-picture. For newcomers, I recommend Meitu Xiu Xiu or Tiantian P-Map APP.
After downloading, first open the picture you want to modify with P-picture software.
then use the erasing pen to remove the text from the original picture.
Next, use the Add Text function to type your own text and save it.
it's simple to say, but it's not easy to be perfect by first removing the words on the original picture with an erasing pen. It is necessary to see whether the text on the original picture covers too much area or is in other positions such as the face of the person. In this way, the missing parts of the original picture should be repaired after the text is eliminated.
question 7: how to change the text on the picture in WORD? Drawing-drawing a box-adding text-leaving the border blank, overwriting the original description text
This is the simplest.
It's a little more complicated, leaving no trace, and the arc needs PHOTOSHOP
Question 8: How to modify the text on the screenshot? Click File-Open to find the picture whose text you want to modify. As shown in the picture, it is very convenient for this kind of picture to replace the text, because the background is solid and white. As long as the background is solid, you can use the "absorption tool", and then click on the blank space of the original text background, so that the absorption tool absorbs the color of the background.
Select "Brush Tool" in the toolbar to adjust the brush size. After adjusting it to an appropriate size, erase the text in the original image with the brush tool. After smearing, you can't see any traces.
Next, you need to add the text you want to the picture, and select "Horizontal Text Tool". In the editing bar of the text tool, you can choose different fonts, font size, and font color according to the actual situation of the picture. After that, you can enter the text you want in the blank position.
after text input, if you feel that the position and angle are wrong, press and hold the Ctrl+T key on the keyboard, and an edit box will appear around the font, that is, there is a small square, so you can move the position and adjust the font size and angle.
question 9: how does ps modify the text on the picture? 1. after opening the PS software on the computer, click the "file" menu in the top menu bar, and select "open" from the pop-up options. (as shown below)
2. Then go to the local folder, find the picture whose text needs to be modified, select it and open it. (as shown in the figure below)
3. After opening the picture whose text needs to be modified, you need to erase some of the text. At this time, select "Imitation Stamp Tool" in the tool list on the left. (as shown in the figure below)
4. After selecting the imitation stamp tool, press and hold the Alt key near the picture text for sampling, and then click the text to be erased with the mouse to cover it. (as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 below)
5. After some words are erased, click on the text tool T, and select the horizontal text tool according to the text arrangement that needs to be modified. (as shown below)
6. Use the mouse to select the text area where you need to add text, and then enter the text to be modified. (as shown in the figure below)
7. After entering the text, adjust the font and size of the added text, preferably the same as the original text, so as to keep all the words in the whole picture in harmony. (as shown below)
8. After the modification is completed, click on the text menu, and then select the corresponding storage method in the pop-up option setting menu. (as shown below)
Question 1: How to modify the text in the picture with ps. For example, open the PS software at 6: 1-
Open the picture and copy a new layer: on the layer panel, press and hold the picture layer with the left mouse button, and drag the mouse upward to copy a layer. Because the original layer cannot be modified. Hide (close) or delete the bottom layer.
matting: select a new layer in the layers panel. Use the selection tool (magic wand or lasso) to select the words on the picture. Press DEL to delete the original picture you don't want.
repair (beautify) the background: use the stamp tool to copy the surrounding colors and patterns so that the deleted places are less obvious.
add new text: use the t-text tool to enter the text you want on the new layer, and use the options in the text panel to adjust the font and font size of your text to achieve the desired effect.
Beautify text: Use layer styles or other filter functions to achieve the desired effect.
save it as PSD for modification, and save it as JPG.
That's the basic process, mainly the skill. . . Software, is to keep operating to be familiar with.