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Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level N2 Foreign Words

A complete collection of loanwords necessary for Japanese Language Proficiency Test N2 level

Japanese loanwords are generally introduced to Japan from Western European countries, so they are expressed in katakana. The writing of katakana gives people a visually eye-catching feeling that is different from kanji and hiragana. Secondly, there are also unique phonetic characteristics in hearing.

For example: there may be a バ line sound at the beginning of the word, and there are more long sound, dial sound, ール, ース or ウ segment sound at the end of the word, such as ?ベッド?, バッグ, パン, パーティー, アナウンサー, キャンデー, ビール, ノウ, ラフ?, etc., etc., you will know that they are foreign words as soon as you hear them.

What’s more important is that foreign words have unique meaning and expression functions in terms of word meaning. When it forms synonyms with Japanese words and Chinese words, it has the following tendencies in terms of meaning and sense of language.

For example, "ホテル" refers to Western-style restaurants and inns. ?Ryokan? refers to a Japanese-style inn. "レストラン" means a Western restaurant, and "Restaurant" mostly refers to a Japanese-style restaurant with small private rooms and waitresses. "バー" refers to a bar, and "drinking house" refers to a general tavern.

Secondly, foreign words represent new things or have a sense of freshness.

For example, OL? refers to a female employee of the company, with a modern flavor; OL is a new word that appeared in the 1970s, referring to those who have rich professional experience and are active on the front line. female. "Working woman" was created in the Meiji era and was widely used during World War II. However, it was rarely used after the war and is an old term.

Then, foreign words represent special or limited referents.

For example, "ライス" refers specifically to rice, which is the rice served on a Western plate and is a type of "ごはん".

Finally, foreign words have a euphemistic and indirect sense of language.

For example, ?べんじょ? will make people think of an unpleasant smell around them. Changing to ?トイレ? can avoid the above unpleasant feeling. There is a word "maternity wear" in the word "maternity wear", which will cause people to feel taboo. It is inconvenient to say it in formal public situations. You can avoid the above taboo by using "maternity wear" instead.

Therefore, foreign words have unique meanings and expressive functions that Japanese words and Chinese words do not have, and can meet people's needs to express their thoughts and feelings in more detail.

This is one of the reasons why so many foreign words appeared in Japanese in the short period after the war.

Moreover, the proportion of loanwords in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test is getting higher and higher, so today we will take a look at the most common loanwords in N2!

ア行外语< /p>

アンテナ: (antenna) antenna

インタビュー: (interview) interview, interview

ウイルス: (virus) virus, filter virus, computer virus

エネルギー: (energy) energy, energy

エチケット: (etiquette) etiquette, etiquette

エレガント: (elegant) elegant, graceful

< p> エンジン: (engine) engine, engine; locomotive, locomotive

 オルガン: (organ) organ, pedal organ

 オーケストラ: (orchestra) orchestra (pair)

オーバー: (above) exceed, exceed; exaggerate, exaggerate; coat


カーペット: (carpet) carpet

カロリー: (calorie) (calorie unit) calories; (food nutritional value unit) kcal

カバー: (cover) outer skin, cover, cover; compensation, supplement; cover

カテゴリー: (category) category

カルテ: (clinical) medical record (card)

カラー: (collar) collar, calla, color

カルタ: (cards) cards, playing cards, playing cards, bridge

 カタログ: (catalogue) product catalog, business items and instructions

 ゲーム: (game) (game) (a game that compares the outcome; (Sports) Competition

コンタクト: (contact) contact lens

コンパス: (compass) compass; compass

コメント: (comment) description, comment, Insights

コントロール: (control) control, regulation

コンセント: (consent) socket

コンテスト: (contest) competition (conference), competition (conference)

コントラスト: (contrast) contrast, contrast, contrast

コッド: (god) God

コンクール: (contest) competition, performance

) communication, information; (language, thought) exchange


サンプル: (sample) sample, sample; sampling, sampling

サイン: ( sign) signature, signature; signal, code, symbol

サービス: (service) service, reception; after-sales service, warranty; cheap sale in stores, sale with gifts

サイレン: ( siren ) whistle, siren

シート: (seat) seat, seat

シャッター: (shutter) rolling shutters; (camera) shutter

スラックス: ( slacks) pants

スケジュール: (schedu

le) schedule; schedule, program, timetable; time arrangement

 スライド: (slide) slide projector; slide; adjust according to...

 ストレス: (stress) (spirit) ) Repressed state, nervous state, stress response

スマート: (smart) chic; fashionable; slim

ステージ: (stage) staple; raw material, fiber

センス: (sense) feeling, sensitivity

セッス: (set) set, group; adjustment, assembly

セメント: (cement) cement


 ソックス: (socks) socks


     : (talent) TV, radio performers

     : (title ) title, title

ダイヤ: (dyer) diamond

ダイヤル: (dial) (telephone) dial engraving, turntable, dial

チップ: ( tip) tip

チャンス: (chance) opportunity, timing, opportunity

テレックス: (telex) user telegram, telex

デモ: (demo) demonstration Parade

テンポ: (tempo) speed

テンポ: (tempo) speed

トーン: (tone) (subtle sound, color, etc.) tone, pitch , Tone

トランプ: (trump) playing cards, ace, playing cards

トンネル: (tunnel) tunnel

ナ loan words

ナンセンス: (blather) meaningless, boring, ridiculous

ナイーブ: (naivety) innocent; innocent behavior

ニュアンス: (nuance) (tone, meaning, emotions, etc.) subtle differences, subtle differences

ノイローゼ: (neurosis) neurasthenia


バランス: (balance) balance, balance< /p>

バター: (butter) butter, butter

ハンサム: (handsome) handsome, handsome man; handsome, chic

パターン: (pattern) type , model, type

パイプ: (pipe) tube, conduit, channel; pipe; whistle, wind instrument

ハンガー: (hangar) hanger, clothes hanging

パズル: (puzzle) confusion

パット: (pad) pad, pad

パス: (pass) pass, qualified

ヒント: (hint) hint , inspiration, tips

ファイト: (fight) fighting spirit

フロント: (front) front, front; front line, front; (hotel) main service desk

プラン: (plan) scheme, plan, design drawing, floor plan

 ファイト: (fight) fighting spirit

 ブーム: (boom.).. Heat, climax

ファン: (fan) fan; fan, enthusiast

フリー: (free) free, unrestrained, unrestricted; free; no belonging

プロ: (professional) Professional, professional


ペース: (pace) benchmark, foundation, fundamental; base, base, base camp; speed, pace

ペンチ: (pliers) pliers

ベンチ: (bench) long chair bench

ベテラン: (veteran) veteran, expert

ホース: (hose) hose

ポンプ: (pump) pump, pump

ポット: (pot) (coffee, tea) pot; thermos bottle

ポイント: (point) point, key point; score, score

ボイコット: (boycott) ** *Same as boycott, rejection

ポログラム: (program) computer program

ポスター: (poster) advertising painting, propaganda poster, poster