2. When designing the signature, the words should be as close as possible, and there should be no gap between words like writing on weekdays. The signature should form a continuous sense of integrity as far as possible, and there should be no complete disconnection between words. Pay attention to the bridge between left and right characters in horizontal signature, and pay attention to the bridge between upper and lower characters in vertical signature. Visually, you can't give the feeling that the herringbone is out of touch with the word, but you should give people a sense of wholeness regardless of you and me.
3. The use of strokes is a common method in signature design. Pay attention to the analysis of the same or similar strokes between words in your name, so that the signature forms an inseparable whole. The use of * * * in strokes can be used in characters as well as in signatures, and the use of * * * in characters accounts for the majority, but it should be noted that the use of strokes in * * * should be natural and smooth, and should not be stiff and far-fetched.
4. When designing a signature, find out the strokes that can be exaggerated in the name. Exaggerated strokes are one of the main techniques to integrate signature forms. In the horizontal signature, it is common to put exaggerated strokes in the last stroke, and the exaggerated strokes in the horizontal signature are also diversified, while the strokes in the vertical signature are relatively simple and rarely used by modern people.
5, font selection, we generally have to choose a smooth and fast font. Among them, running script and cursive script are the most ideal, regular script and cursive script are also acceptable, and those regular fonts, such as official script and seal script, should be used with caution. Signing with running script and cursive script is not only chic and lyrical, but also convenient and quick.