The port number of 1:netstat-ANP | grep is as follows. I take 3306 as an example, netstat-anp|grep3306 (if it is an ordinary user operation, add sudo, if it is a root user operation, you can view it without sudo). If there is no monitoring wire, it means it is not occupied. 2: netstat-Nultp (there is no need to add a port number here.
How to disable linux with port number 80?
1. First, open the terminal of linux, enter the instruction "vi/etc/sysconfig/iptables" in it, open the configuration file of iptables, and add a line "-a input-mstate-state new-mtcp-ptcp-d port 80-j accept".
2. Then restart iptables and enter "serviceiptablesrestart" to restart the service.
3. After the restart is successful, enter "serviceiptablesstatus" and press Enter to display the effective rules.
How to check which ports are located in listening state under Linux?
Use the netstst command to view the ports in listening state:
1, netstat-nupl//n/n indicates that the port number is displayed in digital form, u indicates the UDP protocol type, p indicates the program PID, and l indicates that it is in listening state;
2.netstat-nuplf|grep3306// This means that the process with port number 3306 is located in listening state.
How does linux set the timed release port?
Linux publishing port Linux publishing port 1. Check the occupied port number lsof-i:60002.kill and delete the occupied port number kill-994 16.
How does Linux modify the remote control port? Tell me the simple steps.
Modify the Linux remote port as follows:
First, access linux remotely.
Secondly. The ssh configuration file is located in the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Thirdly, modifying the port is to realize vi/etc/ssh/sshd_config by editing this file.
4. Find the line #port22, and the default port is 22. You can delete the previous # and replace 22 with another port.
5. For example, change the original line to Port43999, so that after restarting ssh, the port of ssh will be 43999.
6. You can see that the system has been listening on port 43999, which is actually ssh service. So you can complete the modification.