Facing ups and downs, bravely crossing; Lu Yu is an animal. Take it wisely and be cautious. When the wind and waves are rough, the weather is not good, which may not be the opportunity to sail.
The minerals in the journey of starting a business belong to a few swift horses with both wisdom and courage and gratitude. The quality of people determines the width of future foothold; The quality of behavior gives the width of looking up at the sky. The balance of fate is always tilted towards people with both ability and political integrity in public trials.
An ordinary woman, with a thin face, is telling the legend of her life with determined eyes. She is the richest woman in Gansu province and the king of business. She is worth as much as 654.38+0.2 billion yuan, but her work style is low-key.
Lei Jufang/KLOC-0 graduated from Xi Jiaotong University majoring in vacuum physics in 1977, and/KLOC-0 was assigned to work in Lanzhou Institute of Modern Physics in 1978. Lei Jufang has a strong sense of responsibility, and she is fearless in her chosen path of physical research.
In the research of new technology, Lei Jufang's attitude and quick thinking surprised and appreciated the predecessors of the original institute.
With the support of extraordinary talent and good mentality, Lei Jufang developed the "vacuum chamber surface cleaning technology" by himself, which is the technology that senior experts have been working hard for many years. Lei Jufang also won many honors.
1978, the state put forward the slogan "scientific and technological personnel go to the main battlefield of economy". Lei Jufang naturally likes to challenge himself, which made him give up his scientific research career on the road to success and devote himself to shopping malls.
For Lei Jufang, everything is undoubtedly to start his life again. The abyss is still a mountain peak. The unknown and Lei Jufang attract each other, just like the summoner's magnet in the dark.
After resigning from the Institute, Lei Jufang founded the Lanzhou Institute of Industrial Pollution Control and embarked on the road of private enterprises. From 65438 to 0988, the high-tech chemical products promoted by Lei Jufang won many international and national key product awards. Thanks to the cooperation of partners, the business of the enterprise is thriving.
In business, a shrewd mind can often defeat an opponent, but it cannot predict the consequences of betrayal.
It is easy to suffer, but it is difficult to share. With the continuous expansion of the industry, the contradiction between Lei Jufang and his partners has become increasingly obvious. Until the early 1990s, the partners parted ways with Lei Jufang. Not only that, the partner disappeared with all their hard work.
Years of struggle ended in an elaborate scam. Pushed into the abyss by his most trusted partner on the smooth road, Lei Jufang began to reflect on his life direction and was depressed for a long time in confusion and helplessness.
Depressed mood troubled Lei Jufang, and he decided to visit Tibet. The sky in Tibet is blue and clear, which makes people feel like they are in a fairyland. When they reach out and touch it, they feel like clouds sent by heaven to wash their hearts. The empty world makes the noise in Lei Jufang's mind gradually disappear, and inner peace gives him new hope.
In Tibet, people respect life more than money, and they are still grateful even if they are poor. Lei Jufang, who advocated Tibetan culture, found that Tibetan areas had unique medical theories and medical supplies.
An idea suddenly came to her mind: spreading the Tibetan people's attitude towards peace of mind, combining the unique natural plants and minerals in the plateau area, and creating a medical road belonging to Tibetan culture.
1993, Lei Jufang registered and established Zheng Qi Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd. "All warriors, unite as one, win by surprise. Therefore, those who are good and amazing are infinite like heaven and earth, and they are not poor like rivers. " Surprise and bold innovation is Lei Jufang's consistent style, and the name "Zheng Qi" also comes from this.
When establishing Tibetan medicine in Zheng Qi, Lei Jufang learned the lesson, stopped looking for partners, and took the lead alone. After repeated thinking, Lei Jufang summed up the reasons for his previous failure.
When starting a business, we only care about the return of economic benefits, ignoring the ways and means of the whole enterprise operation, and it is impossible to fight our way out in the shopping mall.
How can we do better than others? It is a feasible method to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses. Lei Jufang is good at scientific research and development, and integrates high technology into drug research and development, which coincides with the saying that science and technology are the primary productive forces. This is an unprecedented initiative.
Gradually, a business empire belonging to Lei Jufang is rising. Last year, the Hurun Rich List was released, and Lei Jufang ranked 320th, with a wealth of 654.38+0.2 billion, ranking first among the richest women in Gansu.
Someone commented that "Lei Jufang always looks like a country elder sister-in-law. Although she is a bit rustic, she is very approachable and makes everyone feel kind. " Whether a tireless scientific researcher or an all-powerful business tycoon, Lei Jufang's low-key and simple quality has never changed because of the change of his identity.
In terms of low-key, the employees of the company have more say. Most employees of Tibetan medicine in Zheng Qi call her Lei Jie or Lei Gong, and the way to get along with her is as relaxed as friends.
At any time, people's achievements are closely related to the good habits and perseverance of entrepreneurs. To achieve great things, we must first "suffer from its mind, its bones and muscles, and its body and skin".
For Lei Jufang, every step that seems to be beyond ordinary people's thinking depends on all the knowledge she has learned before and the experience she has put into practice. Years of burning the midnight oil have enabled her to have a good learning ability in every line.
In the days of scientific research, rigor is the cornerstone of product research and development. Lei Jufang showed great adventurous spirit in the first challenge of moving to the shopping center.
Sometimes you only do what you can, and you may never get exercise and growth. The turning point of the event may come from the moment when the mind changes. Being good at speculation is also one of the magic weapons of this rich woman.
Text/Lin Bonan