cheering team
Cambridge University Sports Team (or Cheerleading Team)
baby blue
Cheers from college cheerleaders
University yell
When the team didn't play well enough, the cheerleaders tried to encourage the athletes.
Cheerleaders will try their best to encourage players when the team is not performing well.
When the team didn't play well enough, the cheerleaders tried to encourage the athletes.
Cheerleaders will try their best to encourage players when the team is not performing well.
Their respective students formed a cheerleading team.
Their respective students formed a cheerleading team.
Cheers from cheerleaders appeared from time to time in this football match.
The football match was interrupted by cheers from supporters from time to time.
She is proud of being the cheerleader of her school.
She is proud of being the school cheerleader.
One who leads an audience to cheer, as in a sports competition.
Someone who guides the audience to cheer, as in a sports competition.
The cheerleader stretched out his arm and made a T-shape. Acrobats form a pyramid.
The cheerleader stretched out his arms in a T-shape. Acrobats form a pyramid.