What are the names of the eight people who carried coffins at the funeral?
The mountain is heavy, and the responsibility on the shoulders is as heavy as Mount Tai. Need to be highly respected and has nothing to do with the deceased, and highly respected people are the main ones. The eight of them have a high position in the whole funeral process, and the filial daughter-in-law had better buy towels, shoes and cigarettes. They carried coffins and bodies, and even sat on coffins with a grandson weighing 100-200 kg. I walked around the natural village before my death, bearing more than 500 kilograms, and I couldn't rest. Generally, there is no road. He climbs mountains and mountains in the ridge. In the danger zone, the dutiful son kowtowed and bowed down. After being buried, you can't go back. Keep turning for half a circle and you can't go back. Remove Pima Dai Xiao. Very high status.