Love between boys
The goodness of Longyang is the story of ancient Wang Wei and Long Yangjun. Before, the two of them were very, very strangers to this world. After all, they not only share the same bed, but also love each other very much. In particular, Wang Wei loves Long Yangjun more. One day while fishing with Long Yangjun, Long Yangjun cried after catching the fish, and then told Wang Wei with Long Yangjun's euphemism, which made Wang Wei suddenly wake up. Then he abandoned all the beautiful women around him to express his love for Long Yangjun, and Long Yangjun was very happy. Sleeping with Wang Wei every day.
After all, Long Yangjun hinted that he was afraid that he liked beautiful women and then abandoned him, so he cried very, very sadly. After that, it issued a ban for the king, and the forbidden person copied the door.
2. The addiction of broken sleeves
The addiction of broken sleeves is also a story that has been passed down through the ages. One day in the Western Han Dynasty, when the emperor returned to the palace, he saw a man sneaking around and didn't know what to do. A man next to him told the underground that it was Dong Xian. Then when Dong Xian saw your majesty, he immediately knelt down and told your majesty to face up to himself.
When your Majesty saw Dong Xian, he found Dong Xian. You haven't seen Dong Xian for several years, but you think he is very, very good-looking, many times better than the concubine in your own harem. Don't let him be your bodyguard, even let him sleep and eat together, and you like him more and more, many times more than your concubine.