Phonetic symbol: [nk? n? Division: v? bl]
Meaning: unimaginable, unbelievable, unbelievable; Unbelievable, it's amazing.
Is it? Incredible? Toby may be my attacker.
I can't believe Toby is the one who attacked me.
2. Unexpectedly
Phonetic symbol:? 【n? k? Spector? d]
Meaning: unexpected; Unexpected, unexpected; Suddenly; sudden
His death was completely. Unexpectedly.
His death was completely unexpected.
3, can't understand
Phonetic symbol:? 【bj? nd][? k? mprhen? n]
Meaning: incredible; By understanding
All the stands? Beyond? Comprehension; The same is true of Tathagata.
Everything is incomprehensible; The same is true of Tathagata.
4. Unacceptability
Phonetic symbol:? [? nk? nsi:v? b? l? t? ]
Meaning: unimaginable, unbelievable
But as time went on, I found many things that made me? Unbelievable.
As time went on, I found many things that I thought were incredible.
beyond imagination
Phonetic symbol:? 【nm? dn? bl]
Meaning: unimaginable and unexpected; Can't imagine
What is the scale of the battle? Imaginable
The scale of the battle is almost unimaginable.