The film tells the story of the naughty and lovely "Tyrannosaurus Rex Team" children, who kept making pranks that made adults have a headache from the beginning and turned them into "pranks" full of love and made others happy.
Especially under the influence of the disgusting and amiable grandpa Niu, the children also came to the nursing home and held a well-planned performance, which brought joy to the old people and obtained unexpected surprises.
brief introduction
This film is also very suitable for parents to watch. In the film, our mother initially tried to make her children sensible through "intimidation" and created a terrible image of her neighbor Grandpa Niu. However, the effect is counterproductive. After Tu Tu's mother corrected her mistake, the children not only became more sensible, but also inspired the adults in the community to do good deeds together in a creative way.
At the previous Shanghai premiere, the famous action art Niu Ben was as excited as a child after watching the movie. He excitedly stepped onto the stage to share his feelings of watching movies, calling out that "the image of Tu Tu with big ears made me feel very kind, so excited for the first time, and once again I went back to my childhood", and even said that "adults can see such a good movie, and they are also moved by the light of children."