Football; Football; Rugby; Controversial issues; The problem of being kicked around;
[Example] He announced from? football
He announced his retirement.
[Other] plural: football
Phrase collocation:
American football American football; ? American football? ; Rugby
International football? International football? ; International football
Association football; Football; Football; football association
Football player; Driven by football; Football launch; football player
Football team football club; Football team; Rugby team; Zhongyuan Xu Mei Football Team
Grill football baking tray football
Football World Football World; World football; Football information center; Football world
Football Association Football Association; Football association; Football Association of England; football association
Football hooligans football hooligans; Football hooligans; foot
Bilingual example:
But I don't like football.
But I don't like football.
I like football. What about you?
I like playing football best. What about you?
We all like football.
We all like football.
People who get an electric shock should stay away from the power supply immediately, and don't neglect the rescue; Do you know the safety warning