Where friends become enemies.
Are you kidding me?
There is nowhere to hide.
Where the next round of good luck will come.
An unshakable place.
Where the discussion took place.
A place with a nosebleed.
Where regret happened.
Where the promise takes place.
Where it is expected to happen.
Something unexpected happened.
Where it will happen tomorrow.
Where magic happens.
The advertisement is divided into three paragraphs.
The first paragraph:
Where prevention happens. Witness the place of expectation.
Two-handed jump ball
Where does 8 1 minute happen? Witness 8 1 minute.
Kobe Bryant
Where Africa happened. Witness the place where the head is shot
College or university undergraduates
Things that will never happen. Witness the magical place.
Byron davis of the Warriors last season.
The location of the Great Wall. Witness the land of the great wall
Yao Ming vs Chandler.
Where it will happen tomorrow. Witness the land of tomorrow.
LeBron's dunk
Where the miracle happened. A place to witness miracles.
Paragraph 2:
An unshakable place. Witness the place where there is no movement.
Devin Harris hit a shark.
Where the discussion took place. Witness the location of the argument
Si Long was sent off.
A place with a nosebleed. Witness the land of nosebleeds.
On May 6, 2007, the Spurs played against the Suns, and Nash suffered a nose injury.
Where regret happened. Witness the land of regret.
Camby who missed the ball
Where the shorts happened. Witness the land of shorts.
50 th generation Lakers
Where the promise takes place. Witness the promised land
Duncan and Parker (don't know much about commitment)
Where the miracle happened. A place to witness miracles.
Paragraph 3:
Where the heart occurs. Witness the position of the heart
Wolf king KG
Friends become enemies. Witness brothers turning against each other.
Big Ben and Rasheed (two Wallace who used to be champion teammates)
Are you kidding? A witness "Are you kidding?"
Nate robinson, the new potato dunk king (Weber, height 175, leap 170).
1.3 seconds. There are still 1.3 seconds to witness.
Guess is the last moment of a playoff game.
There is nowhere to hide. Witness has nowhere to hide.
Anthony when the Nuggets were eliminated (but he didn't throw the last ball)
Where the next round of good luck will come. Witness the next round of good luck.
Nash and Duncan (Spurs eliminated Suns again in the playoffs)
Where the miracle happened. A place to witness miracles.