Second, Zhuge Liang is a model of loyal officials in ancient times. Zhuge Liang has been a military and political power since the Han and Wei Dynasties. Not many people put the emperor under absolute control, but their results are two kinds. One is to beat the emperor in applause, smash wealth, cultivate one's own strength, smoldering and finally eliminating, such as Zhang in the Ming Dynasty, multi-function halls and pilgrimages in the Qing Dynasty, and so on.
Third, simple rebellious crouching tiger, such as Wang Shu in the Western Han Dynasty, Cao Cao, Sima Qian and Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms, is unique. Zhuge Liang had great rights in society at that time. As for the official position, it is also open, sincere and fair in the power system. When people's loyalty is rewarded, criminals will be punished. Although the confession must be released, the singer of the slogan is faint and sad.
Fourth, it is said that Zhuge Liang gave everything to Liu Bei's country in everyone's mind. It can be said that Zhuge Liang planned for Liu Bei when he was alive, but later he made an important mistake, which led to his own sacrifice. It can be said that he was unwilling when he died.
In ancient China, many people gave their lives for their country. It can be said that these people deserve everyone's respect.