In the era of Emperor Jing, the national government was eroded and the legal system was abandoned. Princes and nobles are arrogant and domineering, and the official system is strict in the world. "The officials are descendants, and the officials think it is a surname." At this time, "the network is sparse and the people are rich, the service is rich and arrogant, and even. Followers of the Hao Party are arbitrary in country songs. " "Imperial clan has a country, or under the doctor, which is infinite. (such as mirror roll 16)
In the first year of Jianyuan (16- 17), Liu Che became emperor. After taking office, he took Confucianism as the prime minister, his uncle Tian Fen as Qiu, his second teacher Zhao Wan as the imperial adviser and Wang Zang as a doctor. He is determined to carry out reform. The main content of the reform is exactly what Jia Yi suggested to Wendi in the early Yuan Dynasty (BC 179), that is, revising the new moon, changing colors, establishing official system, emphasizing ceremony and music, and emphasizing Qin law to establish Han system. However, Emperor Wendi was modest about this reform at that time, while young Liu Che was determined to carry it out drastically. The ultimate goal of this system reform is to regulate and limit the rude and reckless trips of governors and dignitaries, and strengthen the power of the country to resist foreign aggression. Therefore, it involves the core content of the political system at that time, that is, the redistribution of power and resources, which has aroused strong opposition from vested interest groups.
What did the emperor and his courtiers do in the Jianyuan New Deal?