There are 747 people in Shuli Village 154 households and 27 people in party member, mainly Buyi people, followed by Miao people. Tongcun Highway is about 10 km away from provincial and county roads, which is washed by rain, with poor pavement and difficult traffic. When villagers travel or gather in the town, they have to walk except by motorcycle. The transformation of rural power grid in Shuli village has been completed, and most of the water supply in the village is still supplied by shoulders.
Limited by the geographical environment and traffic, the industry in the province has not formed a scale, and only a little rape, wheat and winter corn can be planted after the big season. There is no normal income at home, most young and middle-aged laborers go out to work, and there is about 180 labor transfer in the village every year. Thanks to the preferential policies of national forestry, more than 5,000 mu of mountains have been closed for afforestation, 360 mu of farmland has been returned to forests, more than 200 mu of eucalyptus 1.200 mu has been planted, and more than 4,000 mu of barren hills have been planned as eucalyptus bases.
There is a primary school in Shuli village, with only grades one to five. The educational conditions are relatively poor, with only one regular teacher and three substitute teachers, but the students are the most diligent, and the farthest students have to walk an hour's mountain road every day to get to school. Students climb mountains and mountains only to learn knowledge, hoping to change their lives and make contributions to the country when they grow up.
Total population: 747; Agricultural population: 747; Non-agricultural population:/.
-Administrative area: /km2 Cultivated land area: /mu
-Major ethnic groups: development slogans of Buyi and Miao;
-Villages under its jurisdiction: Shuli Formation and Dalin Formation have a GDP of 10,000 yuan.
-Main economic industry: breeding famous and special products: office location: Shuli Formation.
There are tourist attractions such as Wangmo Qixing Bridge, Sanglang Town "Wangmancheng", Sanglang Canyon, Bao Shu Hong Jun Well and Chuangqiang Primary School Site near Shuli Village. There are Wangmo black goat, Wangmo chestnut, bento wine, Wangmo sorghum, Wangmo pitaya and other specialties.