First of all, property management involves the maintenance and maintenance of the property to ensure the preservation of the property. If the property is poorly managed, it may lead to property damage or depreciation, which will directly affect the return on investment of the owners.
Secondly, good property management can ensure the safety and comfort of the property. If the property management is improper, it may lead to various problems, such as crimes, security loopholes, health problems and so on. These problems may bring inconvenience and anxiety to people living in the property.
Finally, property management also involves the necessary part of maintaining and updating the property to ensure that it meets the future demand. If the property management fails to deal with the maintenance and renewal problems in time, it may lead to more problems, such as the failure of circuits, pipes or elevators.
Of course, service is also very important. Good service can improve the satisfaction of owners and tenants, and also enhance the brand image of the property. However, without good property management, services may be affected. For example, if the property is not properly maintained and maintained, residents may be dissatisfied with the quality of service.
So property management is more important than service. Of course, service and property management complement each other, and good property management can promote good service, thus improving the satisfaction of owners and tenants.